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Three girls find themselves in the detention room one afternoon. All with different individual reasons and different stories to tell.

"So,what in the world is the school's princess doing in detention?" Robyn probed hitting the back of Beyoncé's seat.

Beyoncé turns around glaring at the green eyed girl, "It's none of your business, leave me alone!" She then turned around rolling her eyes.

Robyn smirked at her reaction kicking her seat again.

In a teasing manner she kept poking the girl, "tell me, tell me, tell me."

Beyoncé screamed frustratedly having enough of the girl kicking her chair and being nosey.

"Can't you just leave me alone! Like why don't you go bother her or something!" Beyoncé pointed at the other girl in the room who had her face buried into a book.

Robyn chuckled feeling successful at her attempt on annoying the girl, "well someone needs to watch their language, you're quite the rude one don't you think? no wonder they all leave you in the end."

Beyoncé couldn't take the comment, "I'm rude are you kidding me?!" She screamed jumping out her seat and pouncing on the other girl, pulling at her hair.

Robyn screeched as the girl pulled her hair with little to no mercy.

Onika who was trying to read her book put it down in shock at the sight before her, but decided to not intervene in other not to get hurt..

"WHAT THE ABSOLUTE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" All three of the girls snapped their head to the door seeing the principal walk in looking at them in disbelief.

"I-it's not what it looks l—"

"Nah, I don't wanna hear it, detention for all of you for the rest of the week and an extended hour for this one!" He said cutting Beyoncé off.

"Why me, I have nothing to do with this?!" Nicki said lowly.

"You're involved for just being a bystander instead of doing the right thing by separating them." Onika let out a groan repeatedly hitting her head on the table.

Loud groans emitted from all the girls as they glared at each other..

"..Great now I have to spend more time with these people!" They all thought at the same time.


"This is both your fault!" Nicki said eyeing both of them once the principal had walked out the class..

"Don't blame this shit on me, she was the one that pounced on me and not the other way round." Robyn said pointing in Beyoncé's direction, she still had that ever so present smirk on her face which Beyoncé so badly wanted to wipe off with the back of her fist.

"Just.. just shut up, okay!" Beyoncé said giving up, she rested her head on the table, thinking of the long hours she'd have to spend with these girls—well, Nicki wasn't that bad but Robyn..that was a whole different story. She was literally crying in her head and was willing the tears not to come out for real..

"Ok, let's just calm down and let's also stop annoying people." Nicki said "I'm talking about you, Robyn."

Robyn put up her hands in surrender, "I honestly have no clue what your talking about."

Nicki just rolled her eyes picking her book back up.


The silence soon became quite unbearable for Robyn..

"So, what did you get in here for? You look pretty harmless." Robyn directed the question towards Nicki.

"Look, I'm busy trying to focus on my studying for the upcoming exams, so I'd appreciate it a lot if you'd leave me alone." Nicki looked up from her book sending a fake smile Robyn's way..

"Well.. blame me for tryna start up a conversation." Robyn mumbled resting her head back on the table.

"Just saying the exams aren't for another month or so.." Beyoncé spoke up.

"Well, time isn't waiting for me plus I need to get perfect scores so that's all that matters." Nicki said noting down a few things in a really fast pace.

Damn, this girl needs a chill pill. Robyn thought to herself.

"Since you like asking questions so much then what brought you in here?"

And from that question a little spark of friendship started within the three.


"A girl was pissing me off, so I may or may not have put a dead rat in her locker, thrown her books out the class window but the one that really got me caught was when I wanted to put a dead cockroach— maybe a few in her bag." Robyn finished off like it was nothing.

They both looked at her in utter shock and disbelief, "wow.. you really do deserve to be in here, I'm sure what the girl did wasn't even that bad.. you just wanted to be annoying per usual." Beyoncé rolled her eyes.

Robyn scoffed.

"Listen up princess, you don't know what happened so I advice you to shut the fuck up!" She said leaning her head a bit towards the other girl, making beyoncé lean back.

"Don't start up another fight and drag me into it, okay. I advise you both just sit and shut up."

Beyoncé sighed but silently agreed with the girl not wanting to spend extra time in this clustered room with both of them.

"Nerd?!" Robyn called out but received no answer "Ok, fine! Onika?"

"First of all it's Nicki and second what do you want?!" She asked aggravatedly.

"Now I've said what I'm in here for, tell me yours." Robyn sung.

"Like I said before it's none of your business." Nicki mumbled not looking up from her book.

"Fine, but you asked for it!" And that was the last thing Nicki heard before she felt her book being yanked out of her hands..

"What the hell is your problem?!" Nicki said getting up trying to reach for the book with failed attempts as her 5'3 frame was nothing against Robyn's 5'8.

"I'll gladly give it back to you, if you just tell me what you're in for." Robyn bargained dodging every attempt of Nicki's to try to get the book back.

"Fine, but then you have to give it back!" Nicki huffed giving up.

"Sure." Robyn smiled widely.

"I-it's nothing really, it's just cause I'm late a lot of the times and I....—"

"You what?" Robyn probed further.

"I c-cheated during the test." Nicki said lowly with her head hung down in guilt, she still felt really sick admitting that out loud.

It was a minor test but it didn't stop the teachers from getting her dad involved, she tried begging her way out of it but it all fell on deaf ears, when her dad found out it wasn't a pretty sight, especially the next day as someone would make a comment every time they saw her face and body.

Nicki shivered slightly trying to get the horrid memory out her mind, the strings of profanities and curse words directed at her but the pain he inflicted on her was even worse.

Nicki fell to the ground breaking out in a fit of tears..

The two other girls in the room were lost and didn't know what to do, they were really clueless on what was going on but nevertheless they didn't question it.

Beyoncé walked towards the girl wrapping her in a comforting hug, whereas Robyn just stood there awkwardly..

"I-it's okay..." She tried.

Nicki furiously wiped at the tears on her face, getting up.

"J-just forget you saw any of that." Nicki hiccupped going back over to her seat..

Robyn just carefully dropped the textbook back on her desk looking at her one more time before walking to her seat.

Beyoncé shot her a 'wtf' look but she just shrugged in return walking over to her seat.

So did Beyoncé..


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