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Class ended a little while later and Nicki was one of the first people to bolt out the door not wanting to spend anymore time in that class than she had too.

Second came and she passed that in a breeze, then third and now it was fourth period.

Which she remembers sharing with both Beyoncé and Robyn, she walked over to her assigned seat with her head down smiling a little once she'd spotted them but that was it..

"Okay, so students we're not gonna be having normal classes today.." Their teacher stated pulling out a piece of paper of her desk.

Before writing down something on the board— History.

"So as I was saying we're gonna be doing a group project.." she looked around the class seeing there was an odd number of students "it's gonna be three people to a group, and I'mma let y'all pick you're partners, you all are gonna be picking a great historian and you're gonna be writing out an auto- biography about that person..

So I want y'all to switch seats over to your partners and get a head start on it, plus it's worth half your grade so.." she then looked towards the group of jocks who sat at the very back with a raised brow, before then walking back over to her seat.

Soon everyone started switching seats with their partners and Nicki just sat there confused at who to seat with..

"Nic.. come here." She heard the voice of Beyoncé say as she patted an empty seat beside her, not having anyone else to work with she quickly took the seat next to her..

"Gotta admit even though I don't like y'all that much I'd much rather work with y'all than those—" Beyoncé said pointing over to a bunch of cheerleaders who were sat around each other.

"Pfft you should feel honored that we'd even wanna work with you." Robyn said rolling her eyes..


"Can y'all not start bickering right now and let's just get on with this work?" Nicki said looking between the two of them..

They both just nodded as they begun their work, with Nicki doing basically almost all of it— Beyoncé trying to help while Robyn couldn't be any less bothered..

Bell rings..

The bell ringing brought them out of their focus as Robyn was the first to pick her bag getting up from the chair stretching before yawning..

"The fuck you yawning for, you ain't even do shit." Beyoncé asked with the raise of her brow.

Nicki didn't even bother trying to stop their shenanigans this time and just picked her bag, getting ready to head to the library..

"Hey wait up!" Robyn spoke seeing her already halfway out the door, before she started following her.. Beyoncé too.

"So what do you think they're giving out at the cafeteria?" Beyoncé asked the two girls walking next to her.

Nicki just shrugged, Robyn doing the same..

"I'm not eating, I'm going to the library." Nicki said

"Me neither, even though I don't want to I gotta go to the library to study for my physics test." Robyn chorused.

Beyoncé frowned at this, now she was gonna spend the rest of the lunch period herself, sure she could sit with the other cheerleaders but they were too obnoxious for her.

"I'm joining y'all." she said making Nicki look at her in question.


"I knew you couldn't handle being without us for even a couple of minutes." Robyn teased.

Beyoncé didn't even reply but instead rolled her eyes as they continued their walk..

The intense moment she had with Robyn in the morning still fresh on her mind.


It was finally the end of the day, and as usual they all sat in detention..

Robyn was just counting the days down in her head already tired of having to sit in this detention room.

She could be anywhere right now, skating, hanging out with her bros or maybe even banging bitches but no.. she had to be here.


As Beyoncé sat in her seat the only thing she could think of was the moment she had with Robyn earlier.

And what was even more confusing was that she felt the exact same way when she was around Nicki and it was completely freaking her out.

Why would Robyn do that?

Does she secretly like me?

Would that really be a bad thing tho?

I mean she is still very annoying but we could make it work.

And about Nicki like why do I feel that way around her, isn't it wrong?

To like two people at once.

But she's just so cute.

And Robyn is hot, annoying but hot... despite the forehead.

All the thoughts swarming in her head was making her feel slightly dizzy.


Whereas Nicki on the other hand couldn't even find it in her to study, as quick as she opened the book was just as quick as she closed it.

How was she going to face her father?

She almost didn't want to go home again, considering if she should ask Beyoncé if she could stay over again.

But then that would warrant questions..

Questions she wasn't willing to answer, plus it would only make things worse for her.

He was gonna come looking for her at some point and boy it wasn't gonna be pretty..

I hate my life.


(A/N):- I think I'm gonna make the next chapter focusing on all of their individual pov's to you know give a little more character exposition *shrugs*

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