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As Nicki walked home, she could feel the nerves literally swarming in her stomach..

Wondering if she should just book it for the road and never come back.

His car was in the driveway and Nicki felt her heart fall to the pit of her ass like seriously her heart was beating so damn fast.

Quietly opening the door, she didn't hear the sounds of heavy footsteps or what not making her raise her brow in question..

But she decided not to question it, instead running up to her room and locking the door behind her.

She opened her books as soon as she felt a little safe in the room, sighing she started reading..

She couldn't fail her exams otherwise it'd be hell for her..


Finally deciding that she'd had enough of reading for the day she looked up at the clock seeing it was almost ten p.m.

She heard heavy footsteps downstairs and the sounds of glass breaking, so she immediately walked over to the door checking again to make sure it was locked, even though she was sure she'd done that in the afternoon.

She then ran over to her bed, covering herself up with the sheets willing herself to fall asleep.

I can't keep living like this. She told herself.

But at least one good thing was that she'd be legal in the next couple of months, —since it was the beginning of September she had about three months before she could finally move on to college and be far away from her father as possible.


Nicki seemed so withdrawn throughout detention today, I wonder what's up with her?

But on a more serious note, I got a call saying my parents were going to be back today so I spent the whole afternoon 'cooking' or at least I tried to, I had to watch a bunch of cooking tutorials on YouTube.

It didn't come out as bad as I expected, I would've let the maids do it but I wanted it to be special so I didn't.

Yeah sometimes— most times, they are a bunch of assholes but they're still my parents..

They were going to be here by eight p.m or at least that's what they said so I went upstairs to get changed and look a little presentable for the dinner.

After getting changed I looked at the time seeing it was almost eight so I went back downstairs to wait.


I looked at the clock again seeing it was almost 8.30, where are they?

They said they'd be here by eight and it was well past that..

Maybe they're just stuck in traffic, I'm probably overreacting...


Now I'm pretty sure I'm not overreacting, it was way way past the time they said they'd be here.

The food had already gotten cold, so I just packed it up and put it in the fridge shrugging off all the sympathetic gazes coming from the house keepers.

I don't know why I even bothered..

Walking into my room, I laid in the queen sized bed pulling my phone away from the charger.. seeing a text notification from them.

Ma 🙄: Our flight got delayed, see you tomorrow.

Sent 9:40pm

She didn't even have the decency to call, wow.. parents.



Robyn walked into her house ignoring the cat calls from the perverted men probably high off heroin.

As usual the house was empty but trashed with bottles and bottles of alcohol..

She was already tired as it was but she knew she had to pick them up, not wanting to have another argument with her 'mother' and end up getting kicked out for a couple of days.

She'd already been staying over at Chris's house longer than she wanted too.

Chris was or should I say is her best friend, and they'd been tight since elementary.

He knew all about her mother's substance abuse, and he let her stay over at his house whenever she wanted to but she wanted to be independent and didn't want to have to keep freeloading over at his house everytime she was 'kicked' out.

And that's why she'd been managing to save in order to move out after highschool.

She wasn't completely sure yet about going to college but she knew she still had quite awhile to think about it.

Walking into her shared bedroom she seen her little sister already sleeping in the bed still in her school clothes.

She didn't even feel like addressing it but instead pulled her— Beyonce's clothes off — taking a mental note to return it back to her.


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