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The next day had finally come and gone again all three of them ended up in the detention room as usual.. everyone with different things on their mind so for the first few minutes it was completely quiet.

"So where are we working on the project at?" Robyn suddenly asked after awhile.

Both Nicki and Robyn looked towards Beyoncé expectantly making her look back at them with a 'what?' face.

"Can we do it at yours?" Nicki asked.

"Sorry but we can't.. my parents came back this morning and I don't know if they'd be okay with that." Beyoncé shrugs before turning her direction towards Robyn "What about yours, we've never been to your house before."

"No." Robyn deadpanned.

"Why?" Nicki was the one to ask this now.

"Reasons." Robyn simply states looking away from the both of them.

It wasn't only because of her mother because in all honesty she couldn't care less about the woman, her problem was— she was kind of embarrassed.

Not that she'd admit it though..

Beyoncé's house was like a freaking mansion and it was pretty well known that Onika was also well off, whereas she lived in a broken down two bedroom apartment which could furthermore be classified as the ghetto.

"What reasons?"

"None of your business." Robyn calmly stated looking out the window left of her.

"Don't talk to her like that." Beyoncé says seeing the sad look Onika had on her face after what Robyn had said.

She just shrugs, "let's do it at her house then."

"Sorry b-but we can't." Nicki nervously states..

Now it was her turn to be asked questions, "Why?" Robyn mocked looking at her.

"Cause... Umm— my.. my dad said I shouldn't let anyone in since he went on a business trip." She says the first thing that comes to her head.

"I don't know why that sounded so fake but I won't push it.. we can just do the project at a nearby cafe I know of. Plus they have free wifi." Beyoncé says making the two girls silently nod.


"Can I get a cupcake?!" Royalty says loudly pointing at the multiple cupcakes on display.

Robyn had come to the cafe Beyoncé said they should, to start on with the project but she had to bring Royalty along since she knew she was definitely not going to be leaving her at home with their 'mother.'

"No Ro." she says knowing she didn't have any money to pay for it.


"No." Robyn declines again.

"Let her have the cupcake." She turns around to see Beyoncé standing there, she was dressed in casual clothes.

Just a graphic tee and some grey joggers.


"You're acting surprised like we didn't all plan to come here." Beyoncé laughs before asking the lady at the cash register for the cupcake and a couple other things.

"Whatever." Robyn rolled her eyes chuckling a little.

When she was given the cupcake she passed it to Robyn's sister making the girl beam with delight.

"Thank you, miss." She smiles not even waiting a second before taking a bite of it.

"It's okay sweetie." they all walked towards a vacant table at the back.

"Thanks Beyoncé, she can be a bit... persistent at times." Robyn chuckles wiping a little frosting off her sisters face.

"She's your sister right?" Beyoncé asks, sometimes she wishes she had a sibling too. At least someone to talk to when her parents weren't around which was by the way—always.


Before she could reply they'd seen Nicki walking into the cafe, they waved her over before she came jogging over taking an empty seat besides Beyoncé.

"Hi guys." She smiles pulling a couple of history books from her bag, she was wearing a black hoodie and a pair of denim jeans.

"Hi." Beyoncé and Royalty said at the same time.

"Isn't it a little too hot to be in a hoodie?" Robyn asks a little suspiciously.

"Nope.. I–I feel cold?" It came out more as a question than reply.

One thing about Onika was that she was a really horrible liar, it didn't even sound real at all but the two friends decided not to call her bluff on it.

"Let's start, shall we..."


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