CHP7- The Gate

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THE PLAN WAS, to put Will in the shed, but cover up the walls so he couldn't figure out where he was. Dustin and Val were looking through trash to find things to help.
"Let's see what we've got." Val muttered, as he began digging through the trash.
"Hey," Dustin said. "I'm...i'm sorry about Dart and all. I guess I just thought he was my friend. I was wrong. I broke the rule of law, so if you... if you want your girlfriend to take over my place in the party, I understand." Dustin said, sounding sad.

"She's not my girlfriend." She chuckled. "I saw you two holding hands in the bus, Val."
He said. "She was scared. And friends hold hands all the time it doesn't mean anything." Val told him. "Maybe, but i could feel it." he sniffled. "Feel what?" Val asked. "The electricity." he said, grabbing some trash and walking away.

EVERYONE WAS HELPING disguise the shed, holding bits of cardboard up while someone else taped it to the walls. Eventually everything was covered and Jonathan brought Will in and placed him in one of the chairs.

MAX AND VAL sat opposite each other, both of them sat against walls. "If he finds out where we are...will he send those dogs after us?" Max asked. "He won't find out." Val told her. "Yeah, but, if he does..." Max asked. "Judgement Day.

HOPPER STORMED into the house, and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. "What happened?" Val asked. "I think he's talking, just not with words," Hopper said writing down morse code. "What is that?" Steve asked looking down at the paper. "Morse code," All the kids said. "H-E-R-E" Hopper spelled out.


"Wills still in there. He's talking to us," He said. The group came up with a plan, Hopper would tell them the taping that will was doing, and they would translate it, Dustin was writing it out.










"Close gate," Val said looking at the group. The Byers phone began ringing, catching everyone's attention. Dustin walked over and pulled the phone of and then slammed it against its holder. It began ringing again and Dustin went to do it again but Val ripped the phone of the wall. "Do you think he heard that?" Nancy asked. "Its just a phone. It could be anywhere. Right?" Steve asked looking at his sister for the answer. "No, he definitely has the ringtone memorised, " Val sighed. They heard a monster screeched in the distance.

"That's not good," Dustin mumbled.
"Well no fucking shit!" Val yelled. "They need to come back inside right now!" She said walking to the door, seeing the group run towards the door. "Come on!" She slammed the door behind Hopper who was holding a gun. "Hey! get away from those windows !" Hopper yelled.The kids jumped away from the window. "Do you know how to use this?" Hopper asked Jonathan. "What?" Jonathan asked. "Can you use this?" He asked again.Nancy walked forwards "I can," Hopper threw the gun at her, and she caught it and loaded it.

"Where are they?" Max asked waiting for the demodogs to attack, Val standing infront of her. A loud thudding came from the side of the house. "What are they doing?" Nancy asked. And there was loud screeching coming from different areas. The screeching stopped, the group waited for something to happen. Then a demo-dog was launched through the window, making the group scream and back up, but it didn't attack. "Is it dead?" Val asked. "Holy shit." Dustin said. Hopper walked forward and kicked the demo-dogs lifeless body.

The lock on front door unlocked itself and they all turned to face towards the door.

The door opened to reveal a girl with her hair slicked back, black eyeshadow under her eyes, she was wearing blue jeans and a black sweater. Val's mouth dropped at the sight of her. Eleven.

"Eleven." Mike whispered. "Mike." she said, wrapping her arms around him. "Is that..." Max began, turning to Val who just nodded in response. "I never gave up on you," Mike croaked his eyes filled with tears. " I called you every night. Every night for-" he began

"353 days," Eleven cut him off. "I heard," Mike looked at the girl confused. "Why didn't you tell me you were there?" He asked. "That you were okay" he questioned. "Because I wouldn't let her," Hopper said. "The hell is this?  Where have you been?" Hopper asked. "Where have you been?"  Eleven pulled the man into a hug. That's when relization dawned on Mike. " You've been hiding her. You've been hiding her this while time!" Mike yelled. Hopper grabbed Mike's collar. "Hey!"

"Let's talk. Alone" He said pulling Mike into another room.Dustin and Lucas walked up to the girl who gave them a big hug. "We missed you," Lucas said. "I missed you too," Eleven replied smiling. "We talked about you pretty much everyday," Dustin laughed pulling away. Eleven touched his mouth, "Teeth," She said. "What?" Dustin asked. "You have teeth," Dustin laughed.  "Oh you like these pearls?"  He made a weird purring sound. "My turn." Val pushed past them and pulled El into a hug. "I've missed you so much," Val said.

"I've missed you too," Eleven said. "Love your outfit," Val said looking at the girl's outfit. "Bitchin," Eleven replied. "Yeah Bitchin" Val said putting her arm round the girl, she didn't see the jealous look and Max's face.

"Eleven? Hey um, I'm Max ," Max said holding her hand out. "I've heard alot about you," Eleven looked at Max's hand and brushed past her and walked over to Joyce. "Don't worry Mayfield she takes a while to trust people, " Val reassured Max. Joyce hugged Eleven, "Hey. Hey, sweetheart." Joyce said. "Can I see him?" Eleven asked.
Joyce led her to where Will was and when the came out again, they went to the table where the morse code stuff was.

"You've opened this gate before right?" she asked the girl. "Yes," Eleven answered. "Do you think, if we got you back there, you could close it?" Joyce asked. Hopper sighed at the idea. "It's not like before it's grown a lot, and I mean that's considering we get there," He said. "That place is crawling with dogs,"

"Demo-Dogs,"  Dustin said. "I'm sorry what?" Hopper turned with an annoyed expression. "I said uh, Demo-Dogs,  like demogoran and dogs put together it sounds pretty badass-"

"How is that important right now?" Hopper asked the curly haired boy. It'ss not sorry," He mumbled. Val smiled at him. "I think its badass." she reasured the boy. "I can do it," Eleven spoke up. "You're not hearing me ," Hopper argued back. "I'm hearing you, I can do it,"  She said firmly. "Even if El can, there's still another problem, if the brain dies, the body dies," Mike said. "I thought that was the whole point," Max said looking at the boy. "It is but if we're really right about this... I mean if El closed the gate and kills the Mind Flayer's army," Mike explained. "Wills apart of that army, "Val said. "Closing the gate will kill him,"

Joyce made everyone follow her into her bedroom. "He likes it cold," She mumbled,
"What?" Hopper asked looking at her. "It's what Will kept saying to me. He likes it cold," She said walking towards the window slamming it shut, "We keep giving him what he wants."

"If this is a virus, and Will's the host, then..." Nancy mumbled. "We need to make the host inhabitable," Jonathan said. "So if he likes it cold..." Nancy began. "We need to burn it out of him," Joyce said. "We have to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time," Val said. "Somewhere far away," Dustin said.

And that was the plan, Nancy, Jonathan and Joyce went to go burn the monster out of Will, Eleven and Hopper went to close the gate. And the rest of them would wait at the Byers house.

Eleven was going to leave but Val stopped her,  "Wait- El please don't disappear again," Val said hugging the girl. "I won't I promise," Eleven said hugging the girl and then walking out with Hopper. Max looked from afar with the same jealous look from earlier. "She'll be okay," Val said to Mike who was looking anxious. "Yeah I know ," Mike said. "I know."

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 | ᵐᵃˣ ᵐᵃʸᶠⁱᵉˡᵈ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें