Chapter 1: Andy

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,,Andy come on, I do not have for ever", I hear my brother scream up the stairs. I am getting ready for the victory party - our team won the finale of the champion  ship once again - so the girl hockey team decided to through a big party at one of the frat houses. I guess it's one of my team mates boyfriends house.
,,Comming!", I answer and run down the stairs.
My twin brother Ben already waits for me at the kitchen counter looking annoyed that he has to drive me, but I do not have my licence yet, so he in the one driving.
,,And why can 't Maxton Drive you?"
,,He is coming directly from practice."
We get in the car and Ben starts to drive. It takes about 10 minutes for us to get to the house. When we arrive, our friends Beau and Maxton are already there. Well Maxton is more than just a friend, he is my best friend since we were little. And our dads are best friends too. Maxtons dad even named  ihm after my dad - his second  name is Garrett. I walk in to hug him.
,,Andy!", he shouts with an euphoric voice when he Sees me and hugs me back.
,,Congrats on your victory", Maxton says as he leans down a little bit. The music is playing really loud so it's hard to understnad what he is saying.
,,I can 't hear anything you 're saying", I scream at him as I start laughing.
,,I asked  if you 'd like a drink", he scream back and points towards the vodka bottles and beer on the table right next to us.
I nod instead of screaming again. Maxton mixes me vodka with some sort of juice and hands me the plastic cup.
I put the cup to my lips and drink the whole cup at once. Maxton just looks at me with wide eyes as I put the empty cup on the counter.
,,Can you Marke me another one?", I ask and give him the dog eyes he can 't say no to.
He grabs the cup and refills  it. I again drink it all at once and put the again empty cup away. I use the end of the season to drink and Party, cause  wenn 're not allowed to during the season. So yes, I like to ex my drinks and maybe drink to much, but who cares. It 's not like I am doing this all the time.
,,Maybe you warnt to slow down", I hear Maxton say.
,,No, not really. But you could joyn me."
Maxton takes one of the bottles and takes one big sip. He just can 't say on to nothing.
I take his Hand and pull him after me. We disappear in the crowd of dancing people. I take the bottle and take a big sip as well. Slowly I can feel the effects of the alcohol kick in and I trink Maxton does too.
Just a vew seconds ago I could swear some random rap song was playing, but now ''How you get the girl" by Taylor Swift is pouring out of the speaker. I love this song.
Due to all the alcohol in my body I can 't stop myself from dancing and pulling Maxton with me on the dancfloor. If I am embarassing myself he must too. I sway my hips with the music and put my arms around Maxtons neck. We 've always been close, so it is on big deal that we are dancing together. Even tho some girls on my team think that we are a couple. That 's just rediculous.
Maxton 's now putting his arms around my hips. I look up at him. My eyes are dirctly starring into his. My dad always says that Maxton looks just like his dad, but he most devinetly has his mother 's eyes. I never really noticed how pretty his eyes were. I mean I know that he is attraktiv - and I 'm saying this with the objectiv view of a friend - but his eyes are gorgeous.
That is probably the vodka talking out of me.
,,Have I ever mentioned how pretty you are", Maxton rips me out of my thoughts ,,And I mean not just pretty, you 're beautiful!"
,,You 're drunk", I say ,,And I am drunk too, so..."
,,So what? Does the fact that I drunk a Little Bit to much change something about the truth of my words?"
,,I don 't know."
,,Andy?", he puts his hand below my chin and pulls it up so now I 'm fored to look at him ,,Can I kiss you?"
Before I can say anything the refrain of ,,How you get the girl" sets in and Maxton pulls me up to him to press his lips on mine.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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