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It's the next day now and Beyoncé wakes up feeling seriously guilty, yes she actually liked the kiss she'd shared with Onika the night before but why did she feel like she cheated Robyn.

"I can't like two people at the same time.. it just isn't going to work!" She scrutinizes herself getting out the bed.

Time skip and all three girls had arrived at school, they all had a couple classes seperate except fourth which was their history and they'd submitted in their group project.

Beyoncé took a seat on the seat she'd picked next to them the class before, but had her head buried in a book to avoid conversation.

Robyn had tried to ask her a question but she didn't even look up from the book just nodding a reply.

"That's not even an answer to the question I asked." Robyn says pulling the book away from her.

"You really got a thing with dragging people's books don't ya?" Beyoncé rolls her eyes looking the other way before actually tuning in to the teacher's lecture.

Robyn just study's her a bit wondering the reason for her sudden attitude.

Maybe it was because of the way I acted yesterday? She thought.

Nicki was also in her thoughts wondering the reason for her sudden change of behavior, the taller girl hadn't even replied to her greeting earlier in the morning..

Maybe it's the kiss! I really shouldn't have kissed her last night! She groaned internally feeling like it was her fault for her suddenly acting all distant.


Class finished soon after and they were all off to their next class, Beyoncé didn't have the next class with them so she'd left the class before them.

Both Onika and Robyn just watched her leave without a single acknowledgement to them.

It was actually starting to make Robyn a little pissed off.. how was she just gonna lead her on then not talk to her it just didn't make any sense.

Both she and Nicki walked into the next class which they surprisingly had together.. like they'd been in the same highschool for damn near two years and didn't once notice each other.

They took a seat next to each other as they tuned into what the teacher had started teaching.. only one thing being on both their minds.



Finally it was lunch period and both Robyn and Onika had decided to confront Beyoncé on her behavior, so they walked towards the cafeteria.

They walked towards and empty table and sat down scoping the expanse of the room just to spot the girl that'd been occupying both their minds all day sitting down with the cheerleaders.

Robyn scoffed at that, now the girl was just being petty and for what.

If she didn't want to hang out with them she should've just said so instead of ghosting them.

Nicki looked away from them not wanting to see that, still feeling guilty like she'd pushed it yesterday by kissing her.


"Beyoncé!" The girl heard from behind her as she went to grab a bottle of water.

Since cheerleading practice was already over all she wanted to do now was just to sleep and do nothing else.

She turned her head to see both Robyn and Nicki walking towards her.

"Oh y'all are still here?" She asks lowly before looking away from them picking up her water bottle.

"Why're you ignoring us?" Onika spoke.

"I'm not ignoring y'all." Beyoncé says void of emotion she was still confused about her feelings and being around the two girls just made her feel very awkward.

"Yes you are.. did we do something?"

"No.. no. I'm just busy and y'all not helping right now." She shrugs.

"We're not helping?! You know you're actually being a huge bitch right now?!" Robyn says incredulously.

"You see I actually don't have time for this right now, I'm supposed to be home so I'm gonna go." Beyoncé says ignoring Robyn's tone not wanting to argue with the girl. "But anyways, I'm having a party this Saturday y'all can come or whatever." She shrugs turning on her heels and walking away not even waiting on a reply.

Yes she knew she was being a bitch right now but she couldn't help it, she was confused at her feelings and didn't just know how to deal.

Her parents were strongly homophobic and not only was she bisexual but she liked two girls now that's just something that couldn't happen.

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