Chapter 1

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Hey, running for your life with monsters chasing you isn't so bad. Not really. But I'll back up for you.

I'm Chloe Hector Memory. Your average 16 year old demigod of Mnemosyne. Most of the trouble ramped up when two people, a 17-ish old boy with acne and flab, and a sunburn haired silver-eyed 8 year old girl in silver fell from the sky. The boy landed in a dumpster, the girl landed gracefully on the concrete...and rubbish bags. The girl helped the boy out of the dumpster, the boy muttered something about not telling Hermes. They were in their own conversation when they spotted me.

"Um, who are you?" I asked, puzzled. The boy grumbled something unintelligible. The boy walked over. Spread his arms out dramatically and said: "Behold! You are in the presence of the Olympian gods! Apollo and Artemis!" The girl, I was assuming was Artemis rolled her eyes.

There was awkward silence. Then I said, "Cool." The boy (probably Apollo) frowned. "I claim your service.." I muttered. Thunder rolled through the sky. Artemis's eyes widened. Apollo's eyes flared with anger. I blinked, "What?" I asked. Apollo drew a shaky breath. "You have just claimed my sister and I's service. Until we regain our position within the gods." He hissed. Apollo added "For the fourth time."

"So, I guess I have two gods under my ser-" I was cut off by the rumbles in the ground I had first dismissed them as loud trains that were too close to the surface. Big bulging muscled cattle stared at us. its eyes lit with rage.

Apollo yelped. "Cattle of Helios incoming!" He warned. Artemis muttered something before moving into action. It only took a few seconds before Artemis got sent into a dumpster, red blood trickling down her forehead. 

"I suggest we go. Like now." Apollo recommended. Artemis got to her feet, "Captain Obvious." She groaned. And so we ran. 


We lost the cows along the way, only suffering a few scrapes and bruises. Apollo pointed to an apartment complex. "There, Percy Jackson lives there." He said in huffs. I frowned. "Who is Percy Jackson?" I asked. "He is a demigod world saviour college kid." Apollo announced. He then marched forwards to the building. 

Apollo rang the buzzer. "Hello? This is Apollo and Artemis. Can we come up?" Apollo said into the speaker. There was some chattering on the other end. Then the door clicked. 

Artemis and I followed Apollo up a few flights of stairs. Then Apollo came to a stop and knocked on the door. The door opened. A tall, maybe 18-ish guy with windswept hair and sea green eyes greeted us. He looked at Apollo's bleeding wounds and frowned. "Apollo, what have you done this time?" He asked, evidently annoyed. 

Apollo looked hurt. "I haven't done anything!" He cried. A girl, slightly older than me poked her head out, she had long blond hair and stormy grey eyes that seemed to study and scrape every secret out of me. I shuffled nervously. The guy sighed and opened the door wider. "Come in, and tell me what you've done now."


We all sat around the dining table of the Jacksons house. (I found out that the guy was Percy.) Each of us having a mug of blue hot chocolate.  "Well?" Percy asked Apollo expectantly. Apollo sighed as if he had gone over his predicament many times over, (he hadn't). "We as in my sister and I felt a pull towards a building in New York, then, well we were trapped , we couldn't escape through any form of transportation, nor get out by brute force. And then," Apollo drew a shaky breath, "Then, we met Achilles, he somehow got through the Doors of Death and remained undetected. He said that it was his revenge, that he swore he would bring back Patroclus from the dead. I told him it was impossible. Then he sneered and said "Then if I can't bring him back, I'll punish the ones who caused his death," and then flicked a lever, I could sense the forces of Helios and Selene, and, they seemed to be sucking our immortality away." Apollo explained. 

Percy made a dramatic sipping sound and said "It's been two months. You're mortal again, already?"

Annabeth swatted Percy frowned, "Apollo, Helios and Selene have faded into primordial Chaos, they can't be back. Also, if you're both mortal, can't Zeus zap you back?" She asked. 

Artemis groaned, "Achilles took our domains, so Zeus can't "zap" us back, plus even if he could, Zeus is incapacitated, Ganymede, his cupbearer switched sides." 

Apollo huffed, "We need assistance to Camp Half-Blood, please."

I looked around, confused. "What is Camp Half-Blood?" I asked.

Annabeth stared at me, (really, she was getting on my nerves.) "Camp is one of two safe havens for demigods like us. And also...ah, ex-gods and goddesses." The last part aimed at the twins. Artemis coughed. "Provide us with transportation, demigods." 

Percy fiddled with the strings of his AHS Swim Team jumper. "Well, you see, Mum and Paul are out so we don't have the Prius." Percy explained. Artemis sneered slightly. "Well? Do you have a coin to summon the grey sisters?" Artemis asked impatiently. Percy replied with a "nope".

"Then we go on public transport." Apollo concluded. 


"Right here, thanks." Apollo said to the driver of the taxi. The taxi driver frowned. "You sure? It's the middle of nowhe-" "Yes." Artemis said abruptly. She flung her door opened and slid out. Apollo followed, then I looked at the driver, "Sorry!" Then I scooted out of the taxi. Apollo and Artemis were already trudging up the hill. A pine tree stood lone on the top, a golden fleece, could it be the Golden Fleece? and a dragon puffing smoke curled around the tree. On the horizon, a 40 foot statue stood proudly, the sun glinting off the shield. "Come on!" Apollo shouted, he was already at the bottom. I ran down. A centaur stood next to the camp fire with a pudgy dad bod looking guy who smelled of grape vines. The centaur smiled, "Hello my dear, I am Chiron." I shook his hand. 

A feeling came over me, the sky turning dark. The world spun around me. I probably stumbled around like an idiot. "Soon I will get my revenge, I shall spill your blood!" A voice boomed.

I choked and fell face first into the mud.

Memory of Troy Book 1: Fallen TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now