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So this is going to be sad, it's based of the song: The 30th by Billie Eilish. Any lyrics will be underlined. The only thing in this work that belongs to me is the writing itself.


Angie sat next to your bed in the hospital, looking at you as you did a puzzle. Sometimes you look the same. Just like you did before the accident. She chuckled at your familiar concentration face. "Oh don't you laugh at me, Angelique." You didn't look up at her to see as her smile faded. You hadn't called her by her usual nickname, 'Angie' since the crash. Which was sadly due to slight memory loss. You stared at the rather easy puzzle which was laid out on a try table in front of you. The doctors had been wanting you to do a few different things to keep your mind working, such as puzzles or playing chess with yourself. When you're staring into space. It's hard to believe you don't remember it. Angie for one would never forget that night. That one simple night that turned her life upside down.


Your earliest memories were from the next time you'd awoken. You had to relearn a few things, including who just about everyone in your life was. Woke up in the ambulance. You pieced it all together on the drive. It wasn't hard to figure out what had happened. Your body was covered and cuts and bruises, it had ached to even lift your arm. You needed the help of machines to breathe for days. An IV never leaving your arm.

Angie had gotten a call from you that day. Right before the accident you'd called her on your landline to let you know you'd be coming over to visit. You never made it to her house. I know you don't remember calling me. It had been a wonderful conversation, the two of you had been so happy at the time. Talking about something you'd wanted to surprise your niece, Carolyn with.

But I told you even then you looked so pretty. Angie and quite literally run to the hospital when she'd heard about what had happened, completely disregarding any road safety laws, most of all the speed limit. She was the first to reach your room, kneeling beside you and calling you something along the lines of "my pretty girl" along with an apology. What for? Neither of you knew.

In a hospital bed. You had just laid there, examining the woman's face as she knelt beside your bed, holding one of your hands in hers, trying to decipher who she was. But to no avail, you didn't recognize your girlfriend.

You'd whispered something to the woman before her words could confuse you anymore. "I-I'm sorry.." Your voice was weak. "But, w-who are you..?" She'd looked taken aback, letting go of your hand.

I remember you said you were scared. Angie had told you that she was your best friend, for some reason not thinking it wise to tell you of your real relation. After that you'd started speaking to her a bit more, you tried not to talk too much as your throat had hurt.

And so was I. She had barley left your side for the week you'd been there. Taking off work and rescheduling meetings. Your sister, Elizabeth, and your niece and nephew visited daily. You'd enjoyed the interactions with the new, no old people that you'd forgotten. In the week you'd been there you started regaining some memories. Most of which included Angelique, though some were odd for someone who'd been your best friend. One of the two of you laying on a couch, legs tangled together, holding each other. Another regained memory consisted of the two holding hands while watching a movie.


In a stand-still on The Five, thought it was unusually early traffic. Angie thought back to what she'd been doing right after your last call. Usually I don't panic, I just wanted to be there on time. She'd been at the office when you let her know you wanted to come over. Her work day had been coming to an end anyway so she'd packed up a bit early to try and beat you back to her house.

When I saw the ambulances on the shoulder, I didn't even think of pulling over. What a stupid move that had been. She'd gotten back to her house, thankfully before you and began waiting patiently. Ten minutes passed, you should've been there by now. At thirty minutes her patience had turned to panic as she thought the worst. I pieced it all together late that night. Her horrible suspicions had only been confirmed by the call from the hospital.


And I know you don't remember calling me. While in the hospital with you, Angie had relived all sorts of old memories with you. Though as not wanting to overwhelm you immediately she left out the whole witch, and lovers thing. She was also carful not to include how her entire family used to hate Angie, and focused on only good memories.

But I told you even then you looked so pretty. Angie's method for helping you remember seemed to be working quite nicely. Though the more memories you recovered of the two of you, the less she looked to be just a friend.

In a hospital bed. I remember you said you were scared. And so was I. The two of you barley slept, awaiting any good news from any doctor. Desperately hoping that you were getting better.


Angelique always found herself thinking about what could've happened in other circumstances. What if it happened to you on a different day? Maybe there would've been less traffic, maybe you wouldn't have swerved so hard to avoid hurting anyone other than yourself.

On a bridge where there wasn't a rail in the way? She tried not to think to hard about what would've come to you if your car had landed in a raging river.

Or a neighborhood street where the little kids play? Children often played in roads in the small town as it was easy to grab the ball for whatever game they'd been playing and move to the side. But and uncontrollable car would so no mercy.

Or the Angeles Crest in the snow or the rain? She knew very well that bad weather could've made the crash all the worst.

What if you weren't alone? There were kids in the car? Angie thought back to her niece and nephew. They did enjoy going with her on car rides, and recently began spending more time at Angie's as she spoiled them.

What if you were remote? No one knows where you are? Now of course she knew she was starting to sound more and more crazy as she spiraled, but she didn't know what to do anymore.

If you changed anything, would you not have survived? She began panicking again, just as she did when you didn't arrive at her house. Though it wasn't too noticeable on the outside other than her nails digging into the arms of the chair she sat on, and her breathing becoming faster and harder to control. She had to look up at you to remind herself of one simple fact. You're alive. You're alive. You're alive. She repeated this to herself in her head as some sort of mantra until fully convinced that you weren't going anyway right now.


And I know you don't remember calling me. Angie stayed with you for another entire week until the doctors deemed you well enough to go back home. But only with 24-7 surveillance, just in case.

But I told you even then you looked so pretty. Angelique was more than happy to offer herself up for the role and watch you until the doctors said you could once again handle yourself.

In your hospital bed. She continued telling you stories, now from the comfort of her own home. While you slowly regained the harder to remember memories, which consisted of your relationship with Angie, the whole shes a witch thing, and some traumatizing family history facts.

I remember you said you were scared. Angie wasn't sure when she'd tell you the truth about everything. Perhaps when you could once again take care of yourself. Or maybe when you just started inevitably asking questions. Either way, you both say nothing but time.

And so am I.


That was... something. Eh, it probably sucked, songshots aren't my strong suit but I'll only get better with practice. I'm honestly just glad I've finally written something with Angie!

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