Chapter 19.

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Mary's pov:

I remember the first time I came to the duke's manor..

My aunt wrote a recommendation letter for me to give it the head maid who happenes to be her friend.

The first day I set my foot in the Salvair mansion I was extremely curious about the the rumored young lady Salvair.. I heard that she was engaged to the crown prince at such a young age when she was actually seven..

I never got a glimpse of Lady Salvair even though it's been one week since I arrived here.. Then one day when I was drying the clothes in the sun..I noticed red hair swaying in the wind.. It was lady Salvair.. She was standing at the balcony her eyes glued on something much far far away..

The rumors were indeed right.. She really looked like a doll.. A live, breathing doll.. She was really beautiful too.. But I've never seen her smile nor show any expression?

I was assigned as her personal maid when she was twelve years old and I was eleven at that time.. During the time I was serving the lady I have never seen her smile.. She always kept an indifferent face.. Just like a doll..

Then one day I saw mylady giggle like a little girl for the very first time.. It was when she came back from the hunting festival.. After coming back from there she had been smiling which made all of the servants in the mansion shocked.. Upon entering her room she quickly told all other maids except me to return to their daily chores.

She then trotted towards a desk and opened its last drawer with a key.. I was curious as to what was in there and to my surprise it was a red box with a blue ribbon.. She then ran towards me and opened the box.. I expected gems or jewelleries to be in it but it was filled with useless things?

Some candy wrappers, a withered flower, a golden ribbon, a white glove.. What is all of this?.. My lady ignored my confusion and rummaged her pockets in search of something. She quickly took a handkerchief from her pockets and put it inside the box along with the rest of the things..

"Mylady... This is?" I asked to which she answered..

"Have you ever fallen in love with someone Mary?"

"Huh?" that was my only response.

She then told me all the stories like how she met his highness the crown prince for the first time and how handsome he was.. She told me that she was in love with him and so she's trying her best to be a good empress for him.

I was wonderstruck but more than that I was happy for her.. She then told me what happened on the day of the hunting festival.. She said that a wolf tried to attack her but was soon stopped by the crown prince.. He saved her and even treated her wound with his handkerchief.. This sounded like something straight out of a fantasy book.. She told me how gentle he was.. From that day on my lady's face used to lit up whenever she talks about the crown prince and I prayed to God that she will be forever happy like this with the crown prince.

Years went by and now it was the day of his highness's coming of age ceremony..

"Mylady you seemed to be quite excited?"

"Of course I am Mary.. Today is the day I get to dance with him" mylady said while smiling.

I wish to see her smile like this forever..

When mylady came back she had this sour expression which I wasn't expecting.. I was ready to hear about her time at the ball but she rejected me and went straight to sleep.. I was surprised at her behavior but soon I knew of the cause from some maids..The crown prince took his first dance with a Baron's daughter who just arrived from the countryside.. Some people began saying that it was love at first sight.

I got furious at this at the same time I was worried for mylady.. How should I console her?.. It has been like this for years.. His highness would always give mylady a cold shoulder..

The next day I saw mylady walking out of her room like nothing happened. She continued on her usual training. Is she alright?

I didn't pry into the matter.. I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about.. Mylady is already engaged to the crown prince.. There's no way that a mere Baron's daughter can get in between them.

Or so I thought..

Since that day his highness has been frequently visiting lady Melody. It has been the talk of the empire. Day after day I noticed mylady becoming gloomy. She still tries her best to keep her demeanor.

Out of worry I decided to ask mylady

"mylady, I'm sorry for prying but it's just that I am worried -"

"There's nothing to worry about Mary. I've known Alex since we were kids. He used to love me and follow me around. He even promised to marry me and love me forever. I'm sure he won't forget our promise just because of some girl"

But what if.... What if he's already forgotten all about it.. What if he doesn't love mylady anymore..

There were plenty of doubts inside me but I decided to swallow it and trust mylady.

Days passed and the public favor regarding mylady was deteriorating drastically. Soon mylady had no choice but to step in between those two. She went to visit the girl and came back not so long after. After that visit she was summoned to the palace by his highness.. I didn't feel good while hearing this.

Mylady came back with a pale expression and puffy eyes.. She didn't talk to me instead just rushed to get to her room. I even asked her what happened but she gave me the silent treatment.

When I was going to enter the room along with her she refused and went inside by herself. The next day morning I was anxious..But I went to serve the lady nonetheless and ask her what really happened.. Upon seeing her she looked up at me annoyed. I understand the crown prince might have scolded her. He's always been like this..

I urged her to have her morning preparations and training but she refused.. She told me that the engagement was annulled?.. I was flabbergasted.

I can't believe that prince! How could he have done such a thing! Instead of being mad at the crown prince I was worried for Lady Salvair.

But to my surprise since that morning my lady has been somewhat different but of course I knew the reason. Ladies after breakup decides to change themselves or something like that. She's been smiling a lot.. She decided to quit the training.. She been having such innovative ideas.

She started to show her true colors which she had hidden because of that good-for-nothing prince. I was glad that mylady isn't sad but she had moved on.

I hope that prince rots in hell!


A/N: sorry for the late update y'all. I was busy with exams :3

Also thanks for the reads! <3<3

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