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It was Saturday now and Robyn had already been tired from the long night shift she had to get through to replace the days she'd been off work.

It was already eight a.m now and she could barely even keep her eyes open.

Falling face first on the bed she snuggled into Royalty who on instinct climbed a top her body resting on her chest.

The sound of a door slamming shut woke her up not too long after, yawning she opens her eyes seeing Royalty already up looking at her.

"I think Mama's home." She says looking down at Robyn with worry laced in her words.

"Don't worry about her and go back to sleep." Robyn said since she'd made sure to keep the door locked when she'd walked into the room.

"But I'm scared." The smaller girl mumbles looking towards the door wearily.

The sounds of feet and moans were the only sounds heard coming from the other side of the door.

It sounded like three people's voices, Robyn just scrunched her face up in disgust covering Royalty's ear from the sounds coming from them.

It wasn't a new occurrence anyway, she always had a new flavour of the week or in this case we could says flavours.

After what seemed like eternity the sounds finally started sounding distant as they finally went into the room.

"Mama brought another Papa home again?" Royalty asks confusedly as Robyn finally removes her hands from her ears.

She'd actually brought multiple men to their house in the past stating she was going to get 'married' to them, most of them being either drug dealers or addicts.

But they only ever wanted one thing— sex, one even tried raping Robyn at some point but when she'd basically stomped his dick and yelled curse words at him the door opened revealing her mom.

The man ended up cutting the 'wedding' off leaving Monica in serious distraught, she ended up blaming Robyn for it not even caring that her daughter was almost raped by the man.

She'd always hated men after that and couldn't ever see herself with a man.

"No there's no new papa." She said in disgust.

"Then who's that?" Royalty asks.

"I don't know but that's not important right now, come get dressed we're going to uncle Chris's house and please pack a change of clothes."

She was planning on leaving her with Chris so she could go to Beyoncé's birthday party which the whole school was basically raving about.

Yes, she was mad at her right now but that doesn't mean she wouldn't go.

"Okay." Royalty says going to the small cupboard in their shared bedroom to pick out a shirt and jeans.

"Can you follow me? I don't wanna go out there alone." She says turning around to look at Robyn.

"Come on let's go." She says walking them out the bedroom and to the bathroom opposite their room where she sat on the toilet as Royalty got into the bathtub.

"Don't use up all the hot water." Robyn says suddenly remembering she was behind on paying the water bill.

"Okay Rob." She says switching on the cold water instead "I'll just use the cold, I like cold water anyways." She smiles even though it didn't reach her eyes.

Robyn just sighed, she hated this. She couldn't just wait to leave this god-damned house.


Chris talks with Robyn as Royalty immediately runs into the kitchen to get something to eat since she hadn't eaten anything all morning.

"I'm not interested Chris I been told you this before." Robyn tells Chris the same thing for the umpteenth time.

"I mean I can't force you, if you're not interested then it's all good I mean the streets ain't for everyone."


"You look so good Rob." Royalty says to Robyn when she walks into the living room all dressed for the party.

"Not bad." Chris says licking his lips.

"Don't even think about it little boy." Robyn laughs doing a little spin.

"You sure I look good?"

"Heck yeah!" Royalty hypes her up.

"Well I'm going to go now, Royalty please be good and don't give uncle Chris any trouble." She says sternly.

"I won't were just gonna watch movies — turning red actually!" She squeals excitedly.

"Okay.. Chris imma just take the car out." Robyn says looking towards the boy.

"Don't scratch my baby Rihanna, I'm serious." He sternly states using her middle name.

"I won't." She assures him like she'd done multiple times leading to this moment.

He throws the keys towards her making her reach out to catch it mid air.

"Have fun."

"Thanks Chris, bye Ro."

"Bye Robby."

Nicki pov

I looked over at the clock seeing it was almost nine p.m meaning the party should've started about awhile ago.

I'm supposed to be studying right now but I mean a little break never hurt anyone.... right?

I was already dressed and all nothing too extravagant but nothing too simple either.. it was perfect or at least for me it was.

Tip toeing down the stairs, I'd seen my father already passed out on the couch, a football game playing on the tv at high volume.

I waited a while to make sure he was completely asleep before opening the front door quietly.

Luckily he didn't wake up do I started on my long journey to Bey's house, I have a car but I don't really know how to drive it... yet.

I got to the party about thirty minutes later, the sounds of loud music blasting throughout the mansion was the only thing I heard and people smoking weed here and there.

I'm sure Beyoncé's parents aren't around cause boy this place reeks of alcohol and weed which actually makes me kinda nervous to go in.

I can actually just go back, I don't think she'll even notice I wasn't here, would she?

My contemplating was suddenly stopped by the feeling of a light tap on my shoulder, turning around I'd seen Robyn looking down at me with a bright smile on her face.

She's looking real good right about now.

"Sup." She smiles.

"Hey." I replied back a bit nervously not just because of the party but because of her too, she actually smells really good right now.. wait that's creepy.

"You look beautiful by the way." She says wrapping her arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to her making me even more nervous.

"Thanks... You look pretty good t-too."

"Okay let's go inside?"

"Yeah." I breathed out a bit as we started on our walk into the house passing by the couples making out on the front porch.

The house was full of sweaty bodies and people grinding on each other making me even more nervous and the music was way too loud.

"Let's try find Beyoncé." Robyn says into my ear making me nod even though I'm not sure she can even see me due to the purple and red neon lights on the ceiling.

I wonder where she is...



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