1. Normality

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Overcast Memoria ( Yuki's Point of View Part 1 )

My heart rang in my ears.


The tournament was coming to an end.


My adrenaline was riding high, or was it anxiety?


Why did this feel so different? I've done Kendo for so long now. Was it because it's the end?

My breath caught in my throat as I caught the sight of blood.

The red flags went up, signaling my victory. I struggled to calm myself from hyperventilating at the sudden image that flashed before my eyes.

It was just a hallucination. I didn't harm anyone. I couldn't harm anyone. Why was my brain playing such a cruel joke on me?

My opponent and I never broke eye contact as we walked to the center of the room and kneeled with our kendo swords aimed at each other before placing them on our hips to show respect after the match.

I tried my best to recollect my mind and breathing. I was exhausted and confused, why did I see blood?

I carefully pulled off my headpiece and placed it on my lap, running my gloved fingers through my hair before grabbing it again and standing up.

I stood and faced the crowd with a faint smile as my victory was officially announced. We bowed to the crowd and began walking to the changing room opposite each other.

I changed back into my school uniform and tied my tie carefully before using my hands to ensure there were as few wrinkles in my clothing as possible.

I grabbed my bag with my Kendo equipment and slung it over my shoulder, taking my school bag in my other hand before exiting.

I saw my seven friends talking happily not too far from the door and couldn't help but grin at all their happy faces.

Den held her hands tight to her chest with joy as she noticed me approaching. "Ah! Yuki! Congratulations!" She exclaimed to cut the ongoing conversation between them all.

"You looked so cool, Yuki!" Seina chimed in as the group's attention was quickly directed to me.

"You really should be a Kendo teacher," Natsumi suggested as she adjusted her school bag with one arm and her long silky black hair with her free hand.

"Thank you," I smiled, it was a long day but I was thankful they all came to watch my final match. Even though they attended every one, I never expected them to show.

Nyoko grinned and hugged me tightly.

"Careful!" I slightly panicked, reminding her not to squish my kendo bag. Even if this was my last time doing kendo, I didn't want my equipment ruined.

Nyoko pouted and huffed as she rested her chin on my head. She's the tallest in the group, so she often used us like armrests, or in this case, a chin rest.

"You and Isao had your final high school matches this week... I'm gonna miss it." She whined.

"In a few more weeks we'll be in university," Hiro's tone of voice was soft as it was a sad thought of their final year together coming to an end. "I'm sure we'll all miss it,"

"But let's go get dinner to celebrate their victories!" Hiro said with a grin, breaking the air of sadness.

"It'll be on me!" He finished as he lifted his wallet between his left index and middle finger.

"Yay!" Nyoko said happily, forgetting why she was somewhat sad and was now excited to eat free food.

That was the easiest way to distract her after all. Nyoko has always been big on food since we met, she never failed to have a snack or two on hand.

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