Let Me Kiss You - Austin; Cute

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(A/N)- sorry guys I knocked out yesterday.. please check out my Justin imagines! you might like them! :)♥

Ok this one is for @Vampcutie ..

thanks for waiting love ;)♥ Xx


"Sam you up here!?!" You heard you boyfriend Austin shout from the stairs..

"Yea im putting my hair up!" You then turn around to look for a clip or something when two strong hands wrap around your waist.....

"what do you want to do today sweetie?" Austin whispered in your ear... You got chills all down your spine...

"I don't know..." You said blushing...

"Lets make a video!!!" he said jumping and letting go of you...

"ummm.. ok!" You say with a huge smile.

You two went to his room and he set everything up as you sat on his bed and made sure you didnt look all wierd and funky.

"What song babe??" He asked you.

"ummm.... how about....." you trailed off trying to think of a good song....

"Ooohhhh how about Kiss You!!" He blurted out....

"Yea ok" You smiled....

You two started the song and the video.... you sang to each other, then to the camera, then to each other again...

Once it was over, the two of you burst out laughing!

"That was great! ill upload it now!" Austin said..


"How about we make a keek real quick?"

"A what?" You ask..

"You don't have a keek?!?!?!"

"No..." a look of shock came across his face ....

"We shall make you one now!!" he started laughing and grabbed your phone... "What's your passwor- wait..." he typed something... "awww how cute, Austin Carter".......

"Shut up!"

"Alright alright..." he downloaded and app and started typing in your information... "And... save.. there, you have a keek.."

"ok? Now what?"

"Hay guys! Austin here with my beautiful girlfriend Samantha a.k.a. Sam! I just made her a keek so please go follow her @vampcutie !" he clicked end and checked your phone..... "Wow, 200 followers and 97 subscribers already..."

"Wow..... ok thats kool"

You then heard Austin talking to your phone, he was making a keek on your profile ..... "Thanks for following her guys! I love you all so much......!" then in a whisper he said, "I really like her you guys, she's a keeper... AUSAM forever!" He started laughing then said bi and uploaded it... It got 258 views in 5mins. and 179 likes with 43 dislikes... You got so many nice comments and a few hate comments....

The same thing happened on the YouTube video....

"Its ok babe, they know about us now and mahomies wont let anyone hurt you." He made you smile and gave you a quick peck on the lips...

You two spent the rest of the night watching silly videos on youtube...



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