Chapter 21.

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I was on my way to the information guild in the capital. Today is the day that Miss Claire is officially going to be my assistant. Mr John tested her and she has extreme potential. I sure do have an eye for talented people Hmph!

I was alone and was wearing a hood since I didn't want to attract any unnecessary attention also Iglo was with me all the time.

"Say master, why are humans always in a haste?" He asked while sitting on my shoulder glancing at the buzzing crowd around us.

"They have to fulfill their own needs so of course they are in a haste"I replied to which he hummed.

We arrived in front of the information guild which I had set up not too long ago. I felt like a proud mother watching her children grow up. I went inside the guild which was disguised as a bar so that it can be a place where mercenaries frequented. I told Iglo that I'll summon him after I've gotten out of the guild.

I walked over to the counter and showed them my ring. This ring was a proof of being an employee here. Nobody expect Sir John, Mary and Max knew that I was the owner of the guild. The man standing at the counter nodded at me and I went behind him to a door in the back. He opened the door and left me there as I pressed a button behind one of the barrels of liquor. The floor then started to rise and go up. This is a lift which was invented by none other than Mr John upon my request.

I went to the top most floor of the building where I got off from the lift and walked towards my office. When I got near my office I could hear faint sounds of a girl talking.

"Am I really going to be the boss's assistant! I can't believe that I'm going to see the boss!"

It was Claire indeed.

"What a great timing it is..." I said while walking inside the room and slipped out of my hood.

I noticed Claire standing along with Max and Sir John. They all bowed at me except Claire who seemed to be in a daze.

"H-Huh? Your ladyship?" She asked surprised.

"From now on I'm going to be your boss not ladyship, miss Claire" I declared.

"W-What?! Then are you perhaps the owner of -"

"Yes" I declared while cutting her off.

She still seemed to be confused so I asked Sir John and Max to leave us alone.

"Miss Claire, do you not want to accept this job proposal?"

"No it isn't like that I'm really grateful but I didn't expect mylady to be incharge of this guild along with the trading house"

"Well.. People aren't always how we expect them to be... Anyways let's get straight to the point.. Claire, you are from now on my asistant and will have to help me with my work.. You'll be given a decent sum of money as well.. The only thing I expect in return is loyalty do you get that? "I asked while looking straight in her eyes to let her know that I am serious.

" Yes my-boss! I'll try my best to live up to your expectations! " She declared and bowed at me.

" Very well then " I smiled at her. Mr John seem to have prepared her very well.

"Boss, I was never paid the money for which I worked so hard. They always reduced my wages stating that I'm just a woman. Whereas my colleagues who were men were given a decent amount." Claire said with a hint of sadness in her tone.

"But our empire treats both men and women equally then what's this partiality about?" I asked.

"Even if our empire's ideals are like that.. there aren't any laws which can guarantee us that.. Commoner women can only take up jobs like being a maid or an innkeeper or shopkeeper or a.. prostitute" She said while mumbling the last part which I heard.

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