Falling Into A New World With A Vision

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Hey everyone, INF here and I just wanted to let you all know that this whole story was made after watching a playlist on YouTube from a game called 'Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought: Big Guns'. For those of you who don't know what the games about, just think of it as a ship building game for WW1 and WW2 ships that you can create. 

Also yes, Germany is in the game. As for why I'm doing this, its because I thought it was a cool idea. Also, any pictures with a poorly drawn out ships are probably mine as it will help to give a better idea of what the ships look like.

Some classes will obviously be like a few real world ships, but just know that most of them were all modified or were inspired to create some classes. With that done, I'll leave you all to it. . . Admirals.

Inside a poorly lite room, the sounds of artillery fire and explosions could be faintly heard. A lone boy could be seen sitting in a chair as his face was illuminated by the screen of his PCs monitor. On the screen, the boy could be seen clicking away as he directed either a single ship to a whole battlegroup in a massive all out navel battle with small destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers, battlecruisers, and the most prominent group battleships.

"Come on, just a few more left." mumbled out the boy as he stared at his virtual fleet which was firing all of their guns at the few remaining enemy ships that were either on fire or listing heavily to the side. A few more moments of constant fire later, the battle ended and the screen switched to the after battle report.

The report showed a long list of warships that participated in the battle. The screen even showed the ships status by colour, green showing the ship had sustained no damaged or took minor damaged, yellow showing ships that were moderately damaged and will need time to repair, red showing the most heavily damaged ships, and black representing the ships that were lost in battle.

In addition, the screen showed more statistics about each individual ship. How many points of damaged they took, how many they caused, and what their total kill count was.

"So Einklang got hit the most while Maple did the most damage, sigh, looks like I'll need to go through another refit." The boy clicked off the screen to show a map of the world, on the map it showed flagged ports around the world, ships with their respective countries flag, and where these fleets were heading. "I wonder if my next ship will be ready." the boy mumbled as he clicked a tab to show the statues of all active ships within his fleet.

Each ship could be seen with their names, ship class, what operation statues their in, and what port there currently based at. Of course there were a few other features like how long a ship is being repaired for. It also showed ships that were being constructed, and currently there was one that was only 2 in game months away from being completed.

The boy gave a small chuckle. "Sweet, looks like you'll be seeing some action soon." The boy then clicked off the tab and then clicked end turn at the bottom of the screen. The game then started simulating the world. A few more pop ups for missions and reports later, the boy clicked again to see the pop up for his newest ship. "Welcome to the fleet." The boy said as he clicked the pop up off.

His small smile was soon replaced with a small frown as the next pop up made him sigh. 'Victory' was all it said, yet the boy felt cheated. ". . . Well dang, I didn't even get to use my latest battleship." The boy silently mumbled about as he stared at the screen. Letting out a long sigh, the boy lifted up his arms and began to stretch his entire body. "Well damn, looks like my game marathon is over. . ."

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