part 42

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Guys this chapter is so short and I am sorry, I am not able to write a long chapter these days, it's because I've been dealing with so many personal shits 🥲

Anyways do hit the star button and leave your precious comments.

Sayantika splashed water on her face thrice and let out a deep breath, holding on to the sink, she didn't want to cry, but the tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. His words rang like a broken record.

Who are you? A girl whom my parents got me to fuck?

How about 20k per hour?

Sayantika's POV.

Calm down, Sayantika. Breathe.

How could he even use such words on me? He was fine before going to Dubai, and now? Was that soft side of his another facade?

Stop crying, shitt.

Here I was planning to share the news with him and to tell him that I am ready to give our relationship a chance and he chose to drop a bomb on me.

My heartbeat accelerated, his words made me feel like a pathetic bitch.

Calm down..... Breathe.

Let's just do a breathing exercise, yes you can do it, Sayantika.

I cannot sit here and cry, I have to collect the report from the hospital.

I washed my face again and sighed out.

After getting ready, I grabbed my bag and phone before walking out of the room. I found the devil sitting on the couch in the living room and was watching something on TV.

Just ignore him and leave; otherwise he would taunt and say all the harsh things which would hurt me again.

I climbed down the stairs in haste and made my way towards the elevator, ignoring him royally, and I was glad he didn't say anything.

I pressed the buttons as I know the password, but the elevator didn't open, and it shows error, what the fuck?

I tried again and the same result.

He must have changed the password.

"Anything wrong?" I flinched at his voice and turned, taking a step back as he stood close to me.

"Open the elevator" thanked the stars that I didn't stutter.

"I don't feel like" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I need to go out, just open it" I tried to keep myself controlled.

"Why do you want to go out? Do you want to execute another plan? Or maybe, do you want to talk to your lover boy?" His words confused me all over again.

This man surely needs medical help.

God, where I landed myself into.

And the shocking thing is, this man is the father of my unborn baby and dam there is no way I want my baby to turn out like him.

Monstrous, Devilish, confusing, and a total begairat.

Please, my baby should have my genes only and not his.

"To earth" He clicked his fingers, snapping me out of my thoughts. Shitt what I was even thinking.

Getting angry, I typed the password again and again, uncountable times until he pulled me back "What the fuck you are doing, lady? Do you want us to get locked in the penthouse forever?" His voice loud while I tried to wriggle out of his grip.

"Then fucking open it, and let me go" I snapped harshly.

"So you can make another plan to trap me, and---" and he went on accusing me, making me shocked.

Can I just slap him again? He is the only men in my life who get on my nerves with his filthy mouth.

"Mr. Abhimaan Fucking Raichand" I hissed and held his collar tight, jerking him close to me "You've been testing my patience from the morning, and the words you've been using against me is not at all acceptable so instead of fucking beating around the bush, MAN UP and say it on my face that what the fucking crime I did" I bursted, emphasizing each word.

Even I know I've started feeling something for this devil in disguise, I will not let him disrespect me.

I pushed him with a jerk and took a deep breath "It's such a shame that you don't even know how to respect a woman"

He let out a hysterical laugh, as if I cracked a funniest joke of the decade to him.

I need to call Avni maa and tell her that her son is getting mad day by day.

"Respect? Do you want me to respect you?" He laughed, which was like a mock "Come on a gold-digging opportunist bitch like you doesn't deserve respect" shit no, no no it's alright, don't cry in front of him. You can't cry.

But did he just--

Did he just call me a bitch?

"You don't deserve respect, you deserve to be thrown out of my house and my life, I so wish I would've left you in the pavilion" I stood rooted and hear everything he said to me.

I guess his these few words are enough for all my hopes to shatter into the bits of pieces.

I am fool here that I was hoping a peaceful life with him.

I was fool planning to think that I would be able to tell him about my feelings and we could live happily with our baby

Come on Sayantika, girls like you doesn't hope, you are a bitch.

"So your care and concern was all a facade?" I feel so pathetic to even whispered out those words. Even I know the answer, still I chose to question him.

He chuckled, circling his tongue inside his mouth before answering, "Sayantika, you know Dev? Your lover boy? He was thinking that he could get you so that's why I chose to show him his place and for that, I did that ideal husband facade, and you know what?---" he stopped and gazed at me.

"It was not easy, you played that 'I am a tough nut to crack shit' and I had to leave my room and did all the act to be your ideal husband and damn that was suffocating" He completed so casually as if he didn't even realize his words were hurting me.

"I wanted dev to know, I branded you that's it" so I am the thing? That he could brand me?

He leaned closer and whispered in my ear. "And I will be going you destroy, Sayantika"

I flinched and moved back, he never sounded so scary.

"Come with me let me show you, your doings" He clutched my arm and dragged me towards the stairs, I stumbled to match his steps while the pain shot through me at his death grip around my right arm.

To be continued.

I thought I won't going to write Harami Daddy Abhimaan's pov but I feel it's needed. So maybe in the next update I might write his pov 🤡 (I am not sure, I know I am so confusing lol)

You will get to know what's wrong with Abhimaan in next update 🤡 are you all excited 🤡

Prologue in the next chapter as planned guysss🥳 I hope I don't mess it up😊

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