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Tw : Blood

You wake up and yawn. Huh... thats weird. Foxy should be beside you, you fell asleep together and he usually doesn't leave until you wake up. He didn't have a show today, right? No if he did it would be a lot louder outside. Plus its still dark out and all the lights are off.

It was... way too quiet. The only noise being the ringing in your ears. Somethings wrong. You felt like someone was watching you. You get up and hear a crash and laugh behind you. "Its past your bedtime..." The daycare attendant? "Moon? What do you mean-" He lunged at you and you dodge it. You notice what looks like a glowing purple USB in his back. Moon kept chasing you as you escaped into the main pizzaplex. He crawled up onto the wall and ceiling and crawled after you. He jumps on you after catching up. "HEY GET OFF ME! WHATS WITH YOU!" His... purple eyes glowed brighter. The purple USB has to have something to do with this, his eyes are purple too. You try to grab at it but your hand and the rest of your body get electrocuted when you tried to touch it. His hands wrap around you neck and start choking you. You look to your side. You grab the broom laid against the fire extinguisher and slam it into Moons face. Then you grab the fire extinguisher and just start bashing it as hard as you can into his head each time he attempts to move. Oil spills on to you and the floor. You deal the final blow by hitting the USB and breaking it, and Moondrop stops moving. Holy shit. You drop the fire extinguisher. What the fuck just happened.

You text Freddy on your FazWatch. 

You : Freddy, Moondrop just fucking attacked me Im scared. Im near the entrance. Im okay now though.

After waiting for what seems like forever he's not even read it. Shit. You look at the exit and there closed. It 2 in the morning after all.

"Y/N..." Chica! You start to run towards her but stop as you realize horrified that her eyes are purple too, with a purple glow emitting from her back. You turn around as she starts chasing you. "Y/N, Im only trying to help!" To late to grab that fire extinguisher, your only weapon. You dash up the stairs to the atrium and leap under a table when your not in her sight and hold your breath. Whats happening.


You hear Freddy's voice in the distance almost as soon as you send that message. "Cmon superstar, stop hiding." Theres something wrong about what he just said. You peak under a table cloth and quickly lower it again. Shit Chica might have just seen you.  You hold your breathe as Chica slowly passes by the table your under. She stops and your heart starts pounding against your chest. You wouldn't be surprised if she heard your heart pounding.

But she keeps walking. Freddy approaches the table and you sigh with relief. He tustve used the FazWatch tracking system to find you. He grabs one end of the table and... throws it. His eyes are purple too. He's not safe either. You crawl backwards and he grabs your leg. Adrenaline kicks in and you punch him in the nose. Or try to. He anticipates it and opens his mouth and clamps down on your hand, scarlet blood starting to drip from it. His teeth sink in more and you yank your hand out, a fan still attached to it. You get your shoe off so the only thing he's holding is your shoe and dash. He gets up and starts chasing you. You run into Fazerblast and push past the security bot. You close the doors but Freddy manages to grab one and pull it open slightly while it tries to close back. You hit down anyway and the elevator starts desending. Freddy almost manages to get the door open but fails to get in on time. The only thing of his in the elevator being his hand that tried to grab you from out of the elevator. 

After you get out you grab a Fazer blaster. Maybe this might blind them if you aim at the eyes. "Are you having fun yet Y/N?" A woman in a white rabbit costume holding a knife skips her way toward you. Ringing in your ears increase as you shoot at her eyes. She doesn't seem phased. She suddenly dashes at you and your reaction time is a bit slow, and  she plunges the knife into your arm. You kick her off and grab the knife with your other hand and point at her with it. Blood drips from your arm and you start to cry a little. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THEM! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!" 

Ohhhh boy! Here we go, the so called Glitchtrap arc. So... are you having fun yet reader?

~Glamrock Boys x Male Y/N~Where stories live. Discover now