The details

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*Perspective swap*
Maki's Pov:

I glanced around at the people who remained in the room.

I think they might be confused as to why I'm here, because I never stick around for investigations. Although some of them just don't care.

It's strange, I'm a little uncomfortable being alone now, despite the fact I've been alone for the entirety of my time here, and before that. I've only been hanging around Y/n for a few days, but I've gotten a bit attached.

I guess being lonely for ages will do that to you. I was vulnerable to getting socially attached.


This has quite literally reversed so much practice at handling things on my own.

At least it's, partially, ensuring my survival.

Or it would be if Y/n was actually here! Where the hell did she go?

Well after another few minutes, she finally came back, alerting many people with the loud closing of the library door.

"Where the fuck have you been!? I've been alone all this time!"

Maybe I shouldn't have said that last sentence so aggressively.

*Perspective swap*
Y/N's Pov:

That was quite aggressive. If she's that irritated, she must be accustomed to me being around.

"I apologize. That took a bit longer than I expected. Have you investigated anything?"

"Hah, I wouldn't even know where to start."

"Alright then, let's walk through it together."

*Perspective swap*
Maki's Pov:

That sounded a little flirtatious... or maybe I'm just thinking about it the wrong way.

Me and Y/n turned to the body, and she removed a notepad from her pocket.

"His head doesn't seem to have a small impact point, so it seems he was hit flat by the board, and not hit with the side or corner."

"It would take a lot of strength to use such a big board to hit and kill someone."

"That's for sure." She proceeded to scribble some words on her notepad.

"Hey, do you see those four wheels near each other on the ceiling? I don't recall seeing them there before."

"Maybe they have something to do with those four ropes attached to the board."

"A pulley, perhaps?"

"A pulley..."  she mumbled while she wrote her notes.

"And what's with all these books all over the floor? I doubt a murder could've caused this."

"Maybe this caused the murder."

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe the books were on the board, and that's what made it heavy enough to kill Shuichi."

"So the pulley was holding the books, but it broke or fell, either intentionally or unintentionally, and killed Shuichi by hitting him?"

"That's what I think."

Wow, she's really smart.

"You think it was intentional, or on accident?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe it would be helpful to find if the person was there with Shuichi or if Shuichi didn't know about their involvement at all."

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat