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Chapter 4

Power is not a means,
It is an end.

Bloody hell! That hike was the worst, 2 hours of running through the Damn woods and fending off mosquitos.

Absolute torture!

And to make matters worse, the dirty looks I received from the bystanders as I walked through the Damn streets weren't exactly comforting.

Signing as I made my way to st. Ann's church, I didn't even wait before throwing the doors open, I marched into the church, you could feel the dark energy swirling around in the air.

Another side effect of a horrendous deed that had been committed here.

Normally when I'd visit here, I'd stop, pay my respects to the dead, but right now not only was I hungry, I was dirty!

My dark brown hair was matted with dirt and leaves, a couple of twigs sticking around in there while my clothes! Oh my clothes!

My once white converse were now brown, slicked with dirt, my black jeans were torn and slightly wet from Where I had fell a couple hours ago in the woods.

The black crop top that I wore, one of the sleeves had completely been torn off, like fighting for my life against an original wasn't bad enough, I had to walk through the city looking like I had just been mauled and eaten by a bear and then got spat out!

I huffed making my way up the stairs that were hidden in the back, father Kieran was no where to be seen, I assume he was out handling matters of the human council, or he was drinking bourbon.

Throwing the door of the attic open, there in the middle of the room stood a startled Davina holding a paint brush tightly in her palm.

"Madison?" Davina's startled voice spoke, she dropped the paint brush to the ground her hand moving to cover her mouth.

Signing a small smile made it way to my face. " Missed me? " I asked stepping into the room.

Davina didn't wait any longer, a small chuckle escaped her lips before she barreled forward engulfing me into a hug.

I stumbled slightly not expecting such an embrace,but none the less I returned the hug, holding her like my life depended on it.

We stood there like that for a couple seconds, just holding each other, eventually I pulled away.

Davina took a step back, just now realizing my battered state. Her nose scrunched up.

"You smell." The brunette gave me a once over her eyes moving to settled in my face.

I scoffed, an amused smile made it's way to my face. " Geez! Way to welcome a girl home" I responded playfully pushing past her.

Davina shook her head following after me. " I have so many questions, where have you been? I thought you were dead but here you are standing before me, a little worse for wear but alive!

The young girl continues rambling, I spun around placing my index finger to my lips in a hushed motion.

"Sweet sister." I soothed placing a hand on her shoulder. " I'll tell you everything you want to know and you can even turn me into a frog for leaving you."

Davina's face fell at the mention at me abandoning her but made no move to interrupt me.

"But right now, I desperately need a shower." I signed waiting for her response, the young witch nodded her head gesturing to the bathroom.

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