Chapter 3 - How Deep Does It Go?

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Spring 17, Year 1

You woke again, becoming somewhat accustomed to the newly adapted 6am routine.

It had been a few weeks since you moved to Pelican Town. You had learnt and remembered nearly everyone's names, and you had made your first profit on your produce. You had expanded your actual crop area and now it held 60 crops instead of just 20. You had even received a letter from the SVT, congratulating you on your quick progress on the farm.

You looked outside, and it was raining. No, not just raining, pouring. Your crops didn't need watering today and part of you felt relieved knowing you could relax. However, you didn't want too at the same time.

Clint had mentioned the mines to you, at the far right of the town. You glanced at your pick axe and sword.

"Oh god, this could be stupid but hey, why not?" You sighed looking down at Milo led by you on the sofa.


The rain hammered down relentlessly, pelting against your skin with cold, heavy drops. You tried to dodge the raindrops, huddling beneath trees as you passed them, but it was no use. Before long, you were soaked through to the bone, your clothes clinging to your skin and your hair plastered to your head. It felt vile, like your body was in some sort of shock. You shivered, the rain had soaked it's icy wet into your skin.

Finally you saw the opening to the mines. You rushed to shelter inside, panting as you reached the first ladder. As you ventured into the mines for the first time, you felt a sense of trepidation mixed with excitement. The darkness was oppressive. You were armed with a pickaxe and a sword, ready to face whatever dangers may lie ahead.

Climbing down, you were met with a small cave that had some rocks and what looked like copper ore in it. You marched over confidently and tried to break the stones apart. After 20 minutes you finally broke your first ore, claiming the copper as your own. A feeling of pride washed over you, you were finally being brave enough to branch out and explore the little perks of the valley such as these mines. The first few levels of the mine are relatively easy to navigate, with small groups of rocks and gemstones scattered throughout. But you had heard that the deeper one descends, the danger level increases each layer, eventually forced to confront creatures like slimes, bats, and other monstrous creatures. You did not want to become overconfident with your ability to swing a small yet heavy sword.

As you reached the third level, you spotted a green slime looking creature across the cavern. You were certain you could just avoid it by not getting too close, but unaware to you at the time, slimes have the ability jump and ambush you when they are in a pack.

You strode over to your next ore, copper gleaming through the torch light.

Suddenly the air grew colder, and the sounds of creatures scurrying and slithering in the darkness became more pronounced. You were on high alert, scanning your surroundings for any signs of danger. But that's when it happened...

Several green and blue slimes ambushed you at once, pouncing on you from behind.

You tried to fight them off, but they had managed to push your now fragile body to the rocky floor. When you first saw the slime by itself, you never thought for a second there would be several trying to kill you seemingly out of nowhere. How were you to know? As the monsters closed in around you, you started to realise that you may have pushed yourself too far for your first mine trip. You seemed to let your ambition and determination get the best of you, and now you were paying the price of that gamble.

Thinking fast, you cast your sword and managed to fight back, knocking the slimes off of your limp body. Using adrenaline, you managed to stand and swung your sword back killing at least two of the slimes. You had found that the best way to deal with the slimes was to keep moving, dodging their attacks and striking back with quick, precise blows. As you fought, you started to develop a sense of rhythm, anticipating their movements and responding with calculated strikes. You had successfully fought them to the death, eventually killing the last one with a a huge relief. You had saved yourself from certain danger.

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