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Onika had come to school the day after, though she hadn't talked much, not like she usually did.... but this time her silence was a bit unnerving, something was definitely bothering her but she wasn't willing to tell and Robyn was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Robyn had asked multiple times but she'd only shrug the subject off stating she was fine.

It was now friday and Beyoncé had just resumed school... she was moving in on Saturday and she needed help moving in so she was planning on asking the girls if they'd wanted to help.

"Nice of you to finally join us." The teacher says sarcastically when Beyoncé had walked into the class almost ten minutes late.

Beyoncé just rolls her eyes ignoring the woman's attitude as she takes a seat on the only available seat which was the one in front of Onika and Robyn's desk.

"Where've you been?" Robyn asks the girl as she pulls out the seat.

"Places." She replies back sitting down, she then looks back for a quick second "I need a favor from y'all but I'll tell y'all during lunch."

Robyn and Onika just silently nod though Onika was not sure she'd even be able to do it.

Her father had demanded her presence early saying they had a dinner so she had to get back as soon as they were dismissed.

After an excrutiatingly long amount of time it was finally lunch break...

"What'd you want to ask us?" Robyn asks as they took a seat at an empty bench pulling out their lunches.

"I'm moving out, and I need y'all's help to you know.. move." Beyoncé replies back looking at them both for a response "..But only if you're free." She adds on.

"Moving out?" Onika asks confused "Why so suddenly?"

Robyn just listens intently also wanting to know why..

"My bitch ass father." Beyoncé rolls her eyes "I'm not gonna be living there if he thinks he can control my life." She shrugs nonchalantly.

"Okay, but when are you moving out?" Robyn diverts the conversation seeing as Beyoncé didn't really want to talk about it.

"Tommorow. I'll text y'all the address." She'd gotten their numbers quite awhile ago but they'd never really texted or called one another.

They just nod, Onika only hoping her dad would let her leave the house.


"Got damn go take a bath and set up this dining. You know this dinner has to be perfect!" Robert says as soon as Onika walks through the door.

Onika just subtly rolls her eyes, going to her room to get changed.

Robert wasn't telling her who was coming over for dinner but he kept stressing saying it was important.. how was she expected to care when she didn't even know who's coming?

She changed into a simple jumper putting her hair into a messy bun as she walks downstairs to get started on dinner..

As she walks past the living room she sees Robert on the couch with a bottle of beer in hand, she just shakes her head.

Maybe one day she'd have the courage to leave......


They we're almost here... Nicki had just put the last of the food on the table now it was just time to act.

Act like all was well, like she was okay and had the best father figure a person could possibly ask for.

The sound of the doorbell brought her out of her thoughts, she breathed in as she saw her father go to answer it so she slowly walked to the door to greet the guests.

"Hello Monica." Nicki rolled her eyes at the sound of the woman's name.

Walking towards the door she'd seen the woman with two other girls by her side.





This is pretty short but ehn I wanted to end it in a cliffhanger 🙃

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