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"I saw it Onika. You didn't run into no goddamn wall!"


It was like time had stopped for a brief moment, neither of them saying a word.. it was like if either of them had talked everything would come crashing down.

"You... You didn't see anything." Onika finally says shaking her head in denial.

If the girl had seen anything, knowing Robyn she'd likely confront her father which would inevitably bring more problems to her.


"You didn't see anything!" The shorter girl then proceeded to exit the bathroom not giving Robyn a chance to finish what she was saying..

"What the fuck is going on in my life right now..." Robyn let out a long sigh, at this point she was already on the verge of giving up, there was just too much to deal with.

The rest of the dinner had to have been the most awkward thing in the world.

Robyn kept staring daggers at Robert which he didn't seem to notice as he was too busy chatting it up with Monica. Onika felt seriously out of place, she tried making conversation with Robyn like her father asked her to but would just be met with absolute silence as Robyn would just stare at her blankly.

Royalty was the only one a little chatty, she and Onika talked about celebrities, Onika trying to use that to forget what had happened few minutes prior though it wasn't really working.

The dinner soon came to a close, as they'd all finished up the food on their plates.

Onika cleared the table while Robyn offered to help, Onika was just about ready to decline but the look from her father made her rethink her decision.

"You're ignoring me." They were both alone in the kitchen now while the adults talked.

"No I'm not." Onika answers blankly not looking up from the dishes in the sink which she was washing.

"Yes you are, you can't ignore it. Nor can I act like I didn't see what I just did."

"I said nothing happened! Why is that so hard for you to get! Just stop talking about it." At this point she was thinking with her head and not her heart.

All she really wanted to do right now was to tell Robyn everything, run away from this hell hole but she knew she couldn't, she was already anxious as it was.

She didn't want them to go otherwise it would mean hell for her... And Robyn talking about it was only making things worse... What if her father over heard their conversation?

Robyn decided to just stop talking about the issue though she wasn't going to stop trying to convince Onika to talk to her but she'd leave the girl alone for the night.. she could tell she was already very tense as it was.

"Y'all can't go back at this time, it's late." Robert said to the girls as Monica had declared they were about to leave.

"It's not that l-"

"It's almost 10pm in the night come on, you know your neighborhood isn't all to safe."

"Fine but we'll leave quite early in the morning." Monica says as Robert motions for them so he could show them the guest rooms.

Onika didn't know when she sighed out in relief, she didn't want to be alone with her father right now.

Maybe now that Robyn was here, she could convince her father to let her go out to help Beyoncé with her moving in.

There were a total of five rooms in the house, Onika's and Robert's were already occupied leaving three vacant rooms.

Robyn and Royalty took the room which was directly across from Onika's while Monica had offered to sleep in the same room as Robert.

Much to the three girls disgust.


It was now quite late everyone in the house was asleep well everyone except Robyn..

She had woken up not too long ago thirsty, so she'd gotten up to go get a cup of water downstairs.

Slowly she untangles herself from Royalty who was sleeping like a log, she hadn't even noticed when Robyn left the room but back in their house she would wake up even if Robyn had just adjusted herself to a better sleeping position.

Threading along the hallway, she'd heard small whimpers coming from Onika's room making her immediately retract feeling the need to protect her from whatever it was.

She slowly turns the door nob opening the door, quietly she walks to the bed where she sees the girl was having a bad nightmare.

She wanted to cuddle her small body so bad but she didn't want to overstep any boundaries.

"Onika? Onika? Nika? Oni?!" At that the girl had woken up in a startle looking around the room frantically as tears streamed down her face.

Robyn immediately pulled her into a hug trying to comfort her though it didn't seem to be working all too much.

So she started humming a soft tune as she rocks them both back and forth and soon her cries had turned into little sniffles.



"Thank you." She mumbles tiredly Robyn only nods not saying anything her only focus being to make the girl calm.

When she'd seen Onika was calmer than before she then got up to leave to her own room not wanting to overstep any boundaries by staying here longer than needed.

"Where are you going?" Onika asks quietly holding on to her hand. She was scared that her father would come in here and have his way with her again.. she didn't want that to happen.

"Back to the other room." Robyn was waiting for the girl to let go of her hand which Onika didn't.

"S-stay?" You could tell that Onika was shy to ask this.

"Sure." Robyn replies going back over to lie down on the bed, keeping a good enough distance between them.

"You're so far." Onika mumbles scooting closer to the taller girl, resting her head on her chest.

"G'night Rob." Onika quietly says falling asleep almost immediately.

"Good night." Robyn whispers to no one in particular.


How we feeling about the update?

Onika's denial?

Robyn persistence?

Monica and Robert?

Onika and Robyn's sweet moment?

I felt it should've been more dramatic and shit but like.... That's going to be a lot of work for my creative membrane, so take what you get.

Anyways vote+ comment= Update!

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