Chapter One: Puppy Sitting

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I rush down the stairs after being called down by dad. Lucky for me I wasn't in some sort of trouble, after all my name is Angel. I hop down the stairs skipping the last one and smile at my dad.

"Did you call? Can I Maybe help you with anything?" I ask happily.

"No, I don't need help with anything, not at the moment but Austin is in the need of trying to find a sitter for his golden retriever puppy and I thought maybe you could do it," dad asked.

My mouth dropped slightly open then into a smile. This is it I can finally spend some time alone with Austin even if it's only a minute, and not worry about dad being in the way and finding out the attraction I have for his best friend who happens to be the same age as him.

Austin's puppy isn't much of a problem, most of the time he would play and stay out of trouble, and is almost completely potty trained. It will be a piece of cake.

I nod repeatedly and blurt the answer in a high pitch. "Yes! No worries I'll do it just call him up and let him know."

Dad rubs his ear at my loud voice and laughs saying. "Alright, I'll let him know you'll take the job, and let you know it's for a whole week, and will be paid five dollars an hour." He moved to the sectional and took a seat. "He's given you a choice. You can either stay over next door and watch the puppy or bring the puppy over here and watch him but you have to take him back once Austin returns home each night."

A whole week with dad or spend a whole week at Austin's house alone with a dog?

Who am I kidding I'm not losing my chance to finally impress the hotty next door?!

Keeping my excitement hidden from dad I took a silent deep breath in and let it flow out.

"What time does Austin usually return home? Is it sometime, a little after sundown or midnight?"

Please be midnight please be midnight?!

"It's midnight I'm always getting headlights shown through my bedroom window around that time," dad said and immediately I danced in joy on the inside and jumped over the couch next to him with noticeable excitement. "You seem happy, you must like the dog a lot."

More like I like the dad of the dog.

"Mhm he's cute and fluffy, and since you won't allow me to have one of my own I can at least watch this one for a week," I answer back. "Perhaps you would get me one after you know how responsible I am with Austin's?" I bite my nail waiting for a positive reaction but his expressions say otherwise.

"Sorry, Angel but you know how I am with dog hair, especially in the shedding season."

I frown and give a nod. That's right no matter how badly I want a dog dad is severely allergic to them and it's stopping me from ever getting one.

"Now head up to bed you'll need to get up early and head over next door so Austin can explain everything about the puppy's care to you."

"Ok good night." I hug dad and set my foot on the first step and turn to face him one last time. "Get some sleep as well don't stay up too late." I smile and head upstairs to my bedroom.

I shut my bedroom door with a big grin on my face then tear out of my clothes and hop in bed under the blanket letting out a giggle.

But I can't sleep, not now not when I'm going to be staying over at my dad's best friend's house for a week starting tomorrow morning. I've been waiting for this moment for way too long now, but the only downside is that I'll only get to see him in the mornings for breakfast since he comes home from work at midnight.

Pregnant By Dad's Best Friend #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora