CHAPTER 9 : The Emails

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"It's alright. You will get there."

I don't like seeing her sad. Seeing her break down in front of me like that, I needed to comfort her. Sweet Jesus. She felt so good in my arms.

Having her remembering fragments of her past, I'm not sure anymore if I'm excited for it or not.

So far, it has been fragments of memory she had with this man, who possibly named Damon.

What if she remembers him and she decided to leave? What do I do then?

I'm still in the process of getting to know her. And, so far I like what I've seen and learned about her. She is different in every way from the women I've been with before. And, she put her life in danger for mine.

Who would do that for strangers these days?

I think anybody who does something like that is generally a good person and has a good heart. That's something rare these days. So, you keep these kind of people close to you.

I decided to call Sebastian to see if he has anything for me. "Have you got anything on this Damon guy?"

"For now all we know is the last time she contacted someone named Damon Anderson was two years ago, which was through email. She is not active on social media. Almost no activity on facebook. The last time Mr Anderson posted anything on her on his facebook was four years ago. But, he seemed to be a private person. But, my team is still working on more information." Sebastian explained as I listened carefully to every detail.

"You mentioned she contacted him through email. What was in the email?"

"It's a bit complicated to explain on the phone.I have emailed it to you."

I hang up and check my email.

To: Damon Anderson

From: Ella Adam

Re: I can't do this anymore.

Hey, I can't do this anymore. You moved on. I haven't.

I can't. And, I don't know how. You probably have been living your life like I never happened. But, if you really love someone, how do you undo that feeling? How do you unlove someone? How did you unlove me? When you left, I was completely broken. And, I'm still trying to put all these pieces back together. So, that's why I can't keep coming back and forth to you with the emails or whatever it is that we have right now. I want more. I need more from you. I'm hurt. But, wherever you are and whoever you are with, please know this. I hope you are happy and you found what you're looking for. Someday, if you decide that I'm the one, you know where to find me. I love you. Please don't forget what we had. Please don't forget me.



That was big. I have to sit and process it for a while.

I can tell that she loved him and he meant a lot to her. And, he lost a great woman right there.

I wish I had someone who loves me how she loves him. I would do anything for this kind of love.

There's another email sent by Sebastian. This one has an attachment of replied emails Damon sent to Ella, following the email she sent.

To: Ella Adam

From: Damon Anderson

Re: I can't do this anymore

Hey, hun. Sorry it's been a while. Been really busy adjusting to new places and work. I hope you are well. I know it hasn't been easy for both of us. I think we both knew it's coming but neither one of us wanted to accept it. I really do love you Ella. I do care for you. And, I want what is best for you. But, at the same time I don't want to lose you. I haven't been sleeping well. It's not easy for me either. Let's talk tomorrow.

Rest well.

- Damon x


So, he left her? But, why? If he loved her, why did he leave?

To: Ella Adam

From: Damon Anderson

Re: I can't do this anymore

Hey, hun. How are you feeling? Have you been eating right? I really don't want to lose contact with you. I don't want to lose you. Please stay in touch.

Love, Damon.

That was like a week after his previous email to her.

To: Ella Adam

From: Damon Anderson

Re: Where are you?

I miss you Ella. Please say something.


He sent a few more emails after that. But, she hasn't replied to any of them. She must have been hurt badly. Whatever it was. She still loves him.

If he comes back, would she go back to him?


Sorry this chapter is kind of really short. By the way, the music video in this chapter speaks a lot for Ella and Damon's situation. I had to cut this chapter short, because it was tad bit makes me emotional.



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