chapter 11

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Athar's pov

"That's way too oily, I can't have it" Izhaan complained looking at the parantha on the dining table

"It's absolutely fine, eat it" maa scolded him, he made a sour face

"Like I have any other choice" he picked up a parantha and wiped off the excess oil with the tissue and started eating

"What time are you leaving?" Izhaan asked me

"Now" I said finishing off my last bite, then I wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"Athar bhai coffee!" hayat came shouting

"Huh?" I asked, she put the mug in front of me, and dropped next to Izhaan

"What huh? She has made coffee for you" Izhaan smirked, I rolled my eyes

"I don't want it" I shook my head

"I made it with so much love for you and you are saying no. I am heartbroken" Hayat pouted, I could see her suppressing an evil smile

I knew so well that both of them were just trying to annoy me.

"Give it to Izhaan" I said

"But buddy it's for you" Izhaan gave me a toothy grin

"What's the matter with you Athar? You are always asking for a cup of coffee, and now when she has made it without asking you are not having it" dadi asked

"He's just scared that I had put chilly powder in it" Hayat spoke and broke into laughter, Izhaan joined her

"Chilly powder?" Dadi frowned

"To hell with both of you" I said and got up. "I'm going now, I'm getting late" I was about to walk away when a voice annoyed me

"You better hurry, you really don't want to write "I will never come late" 1000 times" Izhaan spoke. Ignoring them and their stupid laughter I walked off muttering Allah hafiz to dadi and maa.

Ayesha Siddiqui you are gone now.


I parked my car in the parking lot of the office's building and made my way towards the elevator.

I checked the time, it was 8:58 am. I was sure that she would come late to the office. She will pay a heavy price for it now.

The way she ran off yesterday it was pretty clear that she was embarrassed, I am quite certain she must be feeling bad about talking nonsense to my family about me. But the damage has been done, I will not forgive her, she has made me a laughing stock in front of my siblings, no matter how many times she apologizes now, I won't make it easy for her.

The elevator stopped at the tenth floor, the gate opened, two men from the accounts department were about to enter, but when they saw me they stopped.

"Sorry Sir" they spoke, I just nodded in response

Nobody would dare to enter the elevator if I was already there. Nobody had the guts to step in my personal space, I would never allow that.

Finally I arrived at my floor, the elevator door opened and I saw the receptionist talking on phone with a big smile on her face, i went near her, she didn't notice my presence, I cleared my throat, she turned to look at me, the phone dropped from her hands when she saw me, her smile disappeared, she looked scared.

"I am extremely sorry sir" she said, I turned around and left from there

My staff was not allowed to answer personal calls in the office hours. It was a rule.

Just let me love you.. again (SEASON I)Where stories live. Discover now