ch. 1

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I was just walking on the street in the dawn, why? even I don't know "It's so cold..... ha...but not colder than my family..."I whispered to myself, my arms were crossed and tightly pressed against my body to generate heat as much as possible...

As I was walking down the street my eyes started gazing at a lone tree the weather wasn't that chilly but something from the tree was giving a chill down my spine... 'wait there's some shadow lurking around the tree' 'But.. the tree is so beautiful with only one apple on one of its branch just with enough hight for me to reach it easily ', I have never seen that tree before and I simply knew that wasn't an apple tree, something about the tree was hypnotizing, I was slowly heading towards that tree, My feet weren't in my control anymore I was slowly being hypnotised something or rather I say, someone! A lone tear rolled down my cheek and the lurking shadow was gone too...

Now I was standing in front of that beautiful tree and by now my eyes were red and they were uncontrollable sniffs and weeps it is not that I was scared of ghosts, something about the tree scared me to the core, it scared my soul was a very mysterious feeling...
My right hand was moving upwards just to pick the apple just when I was about to reach it... When the ground slipped under my feet and I landed in the.

_To be continued

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