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"I'm going to explore the woods! I don't care what you say dad!" I said. "Aspen, darling, it's dangerous out there!" Said dad. "The wolves are extinct! Not like they'll appear again!" I said. "ASPEN! YOUR MOTHER COULD BECOME A WOLF! SHE DIED IN THAT WAR!" Said dad. "I don't care! She left us for some cruel wolves who attack us!" I said in my strong Aspen tone. "Aspen! No!" Said dad. I ran out the house and far away towards the woods. Everyone is so dramatic thinking the wolves are alive! They all died.. including my mom. But she left us for wolves that hunt us so I don't get how she would like us. I came across a sign that said "warning! Wolves' Field in two miles!" I was confused. "Aspen you are awesome so you can go there!" I said to myself. Wasn't anyone to talk to anyway. Except there was someone to talk to. My theriotype. I never found out what I was. I'm probably a cat though.

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