Four: All We Know So Far

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Vega apparates to the British Branch of Gringotts Bank from camp. She lands in an alleyway near The Leaky Cauldron. Applying the glamour, she previously had, she walks through the pub, to the back alleyway. Finding the brick, she needs; she taps on it three times with her wand. Bricks float away, creating an archway for her to walk through to get into Diagon Alley.

Making her way to Gringotts Bank, she grimaces knowing she could very well be caught in a glamour and arrested. Which is why she gets to Gringotts as fast as she can without drawing suspicion. Walking up to the nearest teller she greets the goblin in Gobbledegook. "Good day, Master Teller. May your gold ever flow."

The teller snarls in greetings, looking up at the next client. "And may your enemies bleed before you, Lady Atalanta. How may the goblin nation help you today?"

"I am in need to meet with both the Potter manager and your king, Sir Goblin."

Dimming his window, the goblin steps down from his chair and opens the hidden door beside his station. "Follow me please."

Winding their way down the corridors of the bank, Vega counts the turns before the Goblin magic makes her forget how many turns were made and which way they've taken.

After what seems to be a day of navigating the corridors, the goblin knocks on the wall beside him. A door appears after his knock, unlatched and ajar. Stepping through the threshold, magic encases her and nullifies all magic on her person. Her now blue hair cascades down her back as she walks farther into the room. In front of the desk sits one chair, the Potter account manager standing off to the side. Closing the gap between her and the two goblins, she greets both in Gobbledegook.

"Greetings King Ragnuk. Master Goblin. May your gold ever flow."

"And may your enemies bleed by your hand, Lady Atalanta. It appears that the previous Potter Account manager, along with a few others had been withholding information important to your circumstances. This had been treason in the highest regard and thus executed."

"I thank you, your majesty. However, there has just not been treason to the Goblin nation but to all of my families. There are many things we must discuss in this meeting."

"Such as?"

"The custody of Caspian Jameson Potter. Publicly known as Harry James Potter."

He snarls. "We must have an inheritance test completed on you before we do so. Ministry rules." Placing a parchment in front of her, an iridescent steel dagger sits beside it. "Seven drops."

"Of course. My left hand is not my natural one, however. I must use my right hand. Is this acceptable?" she asks, holding her right hand forward.

"Yes, Lady Atalanta." Picking up the dagger, King Ragnuk slices her palm, letting the lady squeeze seven drops onto the parchment. Once the administered amount of blood required has been absorbed, words start forming on the page.

Inheritance of Vega Perseus Potter (nee Black)

Born: August 18, 1958

Died: October 31, 1981 (Allegedly)


Lady Black (by birthright)

Lady Atalanta (by birthright)

Lady Potter (by marriage)

Lady Peverell (by marriage)


Caspian Jameson Potter (Potter and Peverell)

Sirius Orion Black (Black), Regulus Arcturus Black (Heir Apparent)

"So he is alive." she murmurs, looking at the results. Glancing at Ragnuk, she gives the king a few things to do. "Arrange a meeting with the head of the DMLE for the twenty second of August. Find any evidence of Sirius's innocence. I'll be taking back my seats in the Wizengamot next session."

A knock interrupts the flow of the conversation. Glancing at each other, Vega nods at Ragnuk. "Enter." he growls.

Master Sharpfang enters once more. "A young man claiming to be Heir Di Angelo has arrived."

Vega stands. "I shall vouch for him. Though I am not sure why he is here."

"Send him in."

The young man walks in and bows to the king. "I thank you for seeing me, Goblin King. I am willing to take an inheritance test to prove my identity."

Taking another sheet and a dagger, he pushes them both forward. "Seven drops. We shall see if what you claim is true."

Inheritance of Nico Di Angelo

Born: January 28, 1932 (Venice, Italy)

Aged: 16

Maternal Family

Mariana Di Angelo (Mother [Squib])

Vidalia Raisa Zabini nee Di Angelo (Aunt [Lady Zabini, 1930-1954])

Luciano Zabini (Uncle [Lord Zabini, 1930-1964])

Dante Luciano Zabini (Cousin [Lord Zabini 1964-1985])

Aurore Violetta Zabini nee Notturno [Lady Zabini, !964-1985)

Elio Dante Zabini (2nd Cousin [Lord Zabini [1985-present])


Aides* (More information necessary)

"You have magic Nico? Did you know?" Vega asks the teen, placing a hand on his shoulder.

With a shake of his head, he replies "I had no knowledge of this until a few minutes ago. Severus had to stay back."

"Then we'll have to start unblocking your core. Since we hadn't known about your mother being a squib, we have to talk about her."

"Do you think she knew?"

"Most likely. You'll have to ask to see the family tree when we get there." His eyes widen.

"You mean..."

"Yes. But we must get settled first. Collect your supplies and get you up to the year level you need to be at." she takes in the infinitesimal smile on his face and sighed. "While I love that Lady Hecate helped you, this feels like cheating."

"And this way you can focus on Caspian more." Nico shrugged.


As the two demigods end their meeting with Ragnok, they dismiss themselves with the goblin dismissal and take their leave, with Vega reapplying her glamour. Making their way out of the bank, Vega notices a man she recognizes, with all the scars on his face and the ring on his finger. Pulling Nico to her side, she leads him to a hallway to hide before he senses her.

Looking at her in confusion, Nico wants to ask, but before he can, she grasps his hand and vapour travels to their next destination, 12 Grimmauld Place. Landing in the house took more out of her than she had thought, black starts to coat her vision as she feels herself start to sway, but is stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around her.

"Set me near the sofa Nico."

"I've got you, Blue. Rest."

"Hey Pads."

"Rest, we'll talk when you wake."

A/N: It's been a bit since I've updated. Work had been really crazy, and I've just kept forgetting. Thank you for your patience and support. I love you all.

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