Three: Kids of the Dark

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Edit: Guess who forgot their own timeline! Meeee! I was so confused as I reread some of the previous parts.


Getting the confirmation that Vega is allowed to leave, Will sets down the suitcase, on the bed she was recently using. "The girls took the liberty to pack for you, not knowing when you'd be back. Lou Ellen pitched in with the case itself, Annabeth packed your personal items and some of your spoils of war, mainly the Nemean lion fur and the Minotaur horn. Hazel and Grover packed a few jars of what looks like roots..."

"My potion ingredients!" her eyes widened as if she'd forgotten. Which she did. "Hazel and I were marking out rare ingredient locations in the woods. Severus would love to take a peek at the map."

"I'd honestly love to take a look at your potions lab you have hidden away in the woods." Severus chimes in from behind her. "Alas we have other duties that require our presence."

"Yep. You'll be meeting with your father and Lady Hecate while I go find Caspian." The trio start making their way out of the Big House to the porch where Chiron, Nico and Hazel are waiting.

"What is your plan, Vega?" Will asks.

"I'll be going to Gringotts first, to confirm that I am alive. Have the vaults assessed, block anyone not family from using the money in them. Finally, go find my son."

"From what I know Britain is hosting the Quidditch World Cup this year. I believe Sirius may bring him along." Severus inputs.

"Sirius has tickets. Did they finally give him a trial?"

A nod. "After the term let out for summer break, Madame Bones had gotten an anonymous tip about a supposed criminal without a trial. And then there had been a family that had noticed their pet missing. They searched and those who found it, noticed the haggard rodent and petrified it."

"Who found it?"

"Your son."

A groan escapes her lips as she tilts her head back. "He's going to kill himself before I meet him again."

"What was so special about this rat?" Will asks.

"There's a potion that we can use to find our inner animal. This particular rat was a friend of ours, myself, my brother and my late husband. He sold us out to that liar and killed James."

"I remember that night. At least the power surges. Both the Apollo cabin and Hecate's children in the Hermes cabin had helped contain the power you were letting off. What happened that night?"

"That was the night our Soul bond broke."

"Soul bond? Like a soul mate?"

She nods solemnly. "When one finds a soul mate in the Magical Community, which is rare, they take part in a bonding ceremony, a more intimate and ancient form of the marriage ceremony."

Severus takes over as he notices her features dulling, thinking about the day. " A bonding uses a part of the souls of the pair who are taking part and connects them to one another. That night, James had died. He moved on, which had cut their connection. When one of the bonded dies the other cannot love another the way they had. That surge you felt was the bond breaking."

Finally reaching their destination, which was the end of the porch where Chiron was waiting with Nico and Hazel. "Oh! Severus, I hadn't known you were coming. We haven't heard anything from you in a decade." Chiron admits.

"You never explained who you were, though. How did you get here?" Nico asks.

"That I must apologize for Chiron, much has happened with Lady Hecate's world. As for who I am. My name is Severus Prince, son of Hades. Currently, the eldest demigod here." he introduces himself. Only to get shot with a ball of water.

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