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he story of the Trojan War is one of the most important legends in Greek mythology. The Trojan War was a mythological war between the city of Troy and the assembled forces of various Greek and Achaean kings. The siege of Troy forms the crux of Homer's Iliad and the return of Odysseus, a Greek hero, after the Trojan War forms the crux of Odyssey.

The city of Troy, or Ilion, is supposed to be situated on the western coast of Turkey, on the Asian side.

The story of the Trojan war, like any other story in Greek Mythology, begins with the gods.

The story of the Trojan War was long thought to be just a poet's tale without any factual basis. However, recent evidence, especially the excavation and research by Heinrich Schliemann, has shown that the Trojan War was an actual historic war, occurring in modern-day Hissarlik on the western coast of Turkey. The descriptions of divine interceptions, prophecies and miracles, however, came from the fertile mind of the poet Homer.

The Trojan War has inspired countless works of art. Paris' judgment of the three goddesses, his abduction of Helen and the sacking of Troy were immensely popular subjects among medieval artists. Famous plays based on the events of the Trojan War include Troilus and Cressida by Shakespeare and Iphigenia by Samuel Coster. Several TV series, books and movies have retold the story of the Trojan War. Probably the most famous example in recent times is the 2004 movie Troy.

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