30 | Because I Think I Like You

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"I'll be back before the break gets over Tae..." Jimin runs out of the cafeteria.

He looks at the opposite sides in the corridor and first decides to check in the washroom.

But before he could even enter inside, his mouth was being covered from behind. He was forcefully dragged out of the building, towards the backyard.

"Ummm" Jimin struggled in the hands to free himself but it was all in vain.

He heard snickers from front and saw Chen sitting on a bike. "We finally got you today baby doll~"

Jimin was harshly pushed down on the ground. His knee might have scrapped a little in the process. He opens his eyes and turns around to find Sam standing there, smirking down at him.

"Do you want to get suspended!?" Jimin asks angrily, but gets mocking laughter in return.

Sam pushes his head down further.
He gets a scare jump. "Stop it.." He mumbles.

Immediately, the weight was off his head. Sam was laying down on the ground with a busted lip.

Jimin looks at his right side to find Jungkook staring at a distance with a strong gaze; his forehead creased. "What did I tell you! Do not touch him ever again!"

He pulls Jimin up to stand straight, who hisses, and drags him to another corner of the ground.

"What if I didn't come on time? What were you doing out so carelessly!" He shouts.
"I came to look for you..."

"Came to look for me! You were sitting with them already!!" He shouts again and Jimin looks down afraid.

"I wanted you to be there too..."
"You wanted me there? WHY!!?" His temper raises more thinking about what could've happened if he didn't come back from the streets. He was literally on his way back home!

"I don't know..."
"YOU DON'T KNOW!?" He tightly grabs his arms, making Jimin look up with fearful eyes.

"Why were you looking for me!?"
"Because I think I like you."
"You think You like me. Why do you- WHAT!?"

Jimin looks at him shyly, his cheeks turning pink, while Jungkook's hold gets loose. He is too stunned to reply. What does it mean that someone actually likes him? How can Jimin, out of everyone, like him?

Jimin tries to run away from him but falls down on the ground because of his injured knee. It hurts.

More than hurt, his cheeks turn hot in embarrassment. He wanted this ground to swallow him up right this instant.

Jungkook suddenly lifts him up in his arms. Jimin brings his arm to grab his neck.

He immediately looks away from Jungkook's eyes who is looking at him with worry and confusion mixed.

Jimin gulps, his cheeks turn bright pink.

Jungkook notices some eyes on them. Students look at Jimin with envy. He instinctively pushes Jimin up to cover his bright hair in himself and starts walking to the medical room.


"Oh. You are back, pink student." Jimin turns more pink at the name. He seriously gotta change his hair color.

Jungkook places him down on the bed.

"What happened this time. Did he faint again?" The doctor asks, coming ahead to take a look.

"I fell down... And scraped my knee..."
"Oh that must hurt... Lemme take a look, can you remove pants?"
"I'll pull that up..."

Jungkook waits at the door while the doctor cleans his wound.

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