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Beyoncé had already told Robyn about all of what Onika had told her the day before, and if she wasn't pissed earlier then trust me she was now. She'd reconciled with Onika not liking the way the Onika behaved all antsy around her.

They'd planned to help her move out over the weekend, since they still had about a week till both Robyn and Onika's parents returned.

It was about four in the afternoon now, Onika was in the cafe not too far from her house, she'd decided to get some fresh air not wanting to spend the whole afternoon cooped up inside.

"This seat taken?" She looked up from her phone to see the slightly familiar face looking down at her..

She shakes her head 'no' sending a small smile his way, "Aaron, is it?"

"Yep that would be me, Onika." The boy smiles heartwarminly making Onika blush a little "I haven't seen you 'round here before? Why's that?"

"I haven't seen you around here either." Onika laughs making Aaron let out a laugh of his own too "But seriously I don't really come to this cafe often, I just came here to get my mind off a few things."

"Oh.. well I actually visit here quite often, I mean they have the best cupcakes.." he smiles.

They talk for awhile before finally exchanging numbers when Onika was about ready to leave.

"I guess I'll see you around?" He asks to which Onika nods "sure."


Onika had walked the way back home with music blasting in her headphones, it was nice, she didn't have to worry about getting back home early to make dinner for her father.

It was gonna be awhile before he returned anyways... Or at least that's what she thought.

Onika walks into the house expecting the place to be quiet since she was the only one at home, but god surely had different plans for her.

She'd walked into the house to see both Robert and Monica making out on the living room couch, she couldn't even hide the disgust on her face but most of all the fear.

How the hell was she going to be able to move out with Robert in the house?! This was bad, this was really bad..

She slowly slips out the house without the couple's knowledge, she didn't know where to go.

She'd called Beyoncé and asked if she could come over to which the blonde had replied with a "yeah, sure."

It took her almost an hour to get there on foot, she was cold, tired, scared and nauseous all at once which definitely wasn't a good thing.

She'd almost passed out on Beyoncé's doorstep luckily the older had answered the door quickly enough to catch her, Robyn who was in the kitchen had taken Onika off her arms and led her to one of the guest rooms.

Beyoncé had called her to come over when she'd heard the panicked tone in her voice..


Onika had woken up to a quiet room with dimly lit lights, she groaned sitting up a little, the pounding in her head making it harder to move.

"B-bey?" She calls out groggily, the door opening slowly brought her attention.

"Oh, your awake." Robyn was the one that said this walking into the room taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Where's bey?" Onika asks looking around the room like the blonde would just magically appear out of nowhere.

"She got a call from her mother, which she's tending to, so I decided to come check on you." Robyn says softly. "How's your head?"

"It h-hurts but it's pretty minimal." Onika sighs now sitting up completely "You know our parents are back right?"

"When?! They were supposed to be back in a weeks time?!" Robyn asks frantically, this was setting them back big time.

Just then Beyoncé walks into the room, "What's going on in here?" She takes a seat next to Robyn on the bed as well.

"Parents are back." Onika mutters silently.

"How? Didn't you guys say they wouldn't be back till next weekend!"

"Yeah but I g—" just then Robyn's phone started ringing, she looked at the caller ID seeing it was her mom. "Lemme go see what she wants." She says walking out the room.

"I don't know what to do Bey?! I can't leave that house, he's gonna kill me!"

"He's not gonna do shit, calm down, you're still gonna leave that house this weekend like I said before."

"I don't think he'll be around this Saturday, he usually goes to the club." Onika says now remembering her father's schedule.

"Good. You'll be out that house by Saturday."

I know this is quite short. It's just a filler chapter.

What do y'all think is gonna go down this Saturday?








Future predictions?

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