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Tw: ⚠️{a few depictions of abuse}

Onika had gotten back home the next day, Robert had asked where she had been but she wouldn't answer knowing it'd only get her into more trouble, he'd specifically told her not to hang out with Robyn so what was she going to tell him.. she was with her?

Even if she said she was with Bey, she still wasn't allowed to have sleepovers which she did. A stupid rule he'd put in place in other for no one to find out about the abuse she had to deal with at home.

"Where were you?"

She hadn't said anything but instead stared down at the floor beneath her.

"I believe I'm asking you a fucking question?!" He raised his voice now making Onika jump back.


"Stop fucking playing with me Tanya, out where?!"

"M-my friends'."

"It was a boy wasn't it? You know what I don't even know why I'm asking, of course it was! You fucking slut!" Onika hadn't expected the large smack to her face which sent her falling back.

"If I check the security footage and see any skunky ass boy all up in my house, that will be your ass!" He storms off. Onika was scared now, if he checked the security cameras he was definitely going to find out about Beyoncé and Robyn seeing her passed out in the kitchen the other day.

She ran up to her room making sure to lock the door, she pondered her life for a couple minutes before finally deciding to call Robyn.. in case anything happened.

The phone rang for a few seconds, just then the sounds of fist hitting her door resounded round the room, "Onika Tanya Maraj! Who the fuck where those girls in my house?!" The door handle was jiggling wildly, Onika thought she was gonna pass out at that point.

"Onika? Onika? What's going on?!" Onika's shaky hands couldn't hold the phone as it fell to the floor but the call was still connected.

"Onika open this mother fucking door before I break it my damn self!" Robert was only seeing red, his image would more than definitely be ruined if those two girls reported anything. "I can't leave you in the house for a minute without you fucking shit up!"

Onika was breathing heavily, the sounds of her father's outraged screams, the banging on the door, then Robyn's panicked screams was enough to put her into a panic attack.

She was gasping for air wildly, she didn't know what to do, her head was spinning and it seemed like the whole world just turned into one big blur.. just then Robert had managed to break down the door.


Robyn had recorded the entire phone call, she didn't know why but an intuition immediately came to her to do it.

She'd called the police almost immediately after cutting the call luckily she'd remembered Onika's house address, she told them what was going on and they said they were already on their way to the address calming Robyn a little bit.. only a little, her heart was hammering in her chest alongside multiple questions flooding her mind.

Is he going to kill her? Is she in serious danger? What if I'm too late?!

She didn't know if calling Beyoncé would've been the best idea, knowing how emotional she could get, as it was she was already currently panicking, she more than definitely did not need another panicking person on her hands at the moment.

"And where the fuck do you think you're going? I'm not babysitting that little brat!" Monica had said as soon as she saw Robyn about to leave out the door.

Robyn already in a state of panic and anger had flared out on the woman, "You're just so fucking useless!" She screams going to help Royalty put on her shoes.. she was gonna stay over at Chris's.

"Glad the feeling is mutual." Monica mumbles although Robyn still heard, but couldn't care less about her words, she was the one paying bills up in this bitch so in all honesty the only useless person here was Monica.

This was not supposed to be happening, they were just supposed to help Onika move out peacefully over the weekend! Robert wasn't even back for a full day and look what was happening!

By the time she'd gotten to the house, she'd seen a police car already in front of the house alongside an ambulance, she came down the car about to go in only to be stopped by a police officer, who was a dark skinned bald headed man probably in his late 40's, "I'm sorry ma'am but you can't go in."

"I can't go in how?! My friend is currently in there getting bruised and battered and you're telling I can't go in?! The hell!"

"Ma'am I'm gonna need you to calm down so we can talk rationally." The man said calmly, just then she'd seen them bring Onika's unconscious body out the house in a stretcher.

Robyn could've cried at the sight, she had blood spilling out her nose which was probably broken, a busted up lip, a black eye and multiple bruises all over her face, her already broken arm looked even worse and was twisted in an even more uncomfortable position.

The stretcher was followed by a couple of police officers walking out the house, with a weeping Robert in cuffs who kept screaming, "It was self defense!" He looked so stupid and pathetic, he's eyes caught Robyn's "You! It was you, you little ungrateful bitch! You were the one who made my daughter defiant, go tell your mother it's over between us!"

Robyn only chuckles, despite the tears brewing in her eyes she sent a heavy punch to his jaw which basically sent his head flying back, but she was pulled back by the police officer who already sensed she was more than ready to do way more damage to his face.

They pushed him into the cop car still in hysterics, whereas the ambulance had already driven off.

"We need you at the station to make a statement." The dark skin police officer says, Robyn only nods "I'll follow."

She'd borrowed Chris's car which she used to trail the police officers to the station where she gave her statement and played them the recording, she was then finally released to go visit Onika in the hospital.

Only then did she call Beyoncé, who had immediately rushed over, to the hospital.

They'd waited in the waiting room for a really long ass time before they were finally allowed to go see Onika who was still unconscious on the bed.

Beyoncé had actually cried at the sight of Onika who looked even worse than the first time they were here.

Robyn's face was stoic throughout although she had basically cried all the way here, she just didn't want to look weak but rather be the shoulder to cry on.

She was just about ready to hurt Robert for real, that punch did nothing to alleviate her anger in the slightest although she might as well have broken his jaw.








How was the chapter?

This feels so rushed to me, I don't know why <••>

Tw in advance for the next chapter!!!

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