Chapter 5 - Can This Get Any Worse?

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You looked out the window. Once more it was raining on the Valley.

The sky was a deep, dark grey and the sound of rain hitting the roof and the ground outside was constant. The air felt heavy with moisture, and the world seemed to be wrapped in a thick blanket of mist. The leaves of the trees and the plants in the fields were seemingly weighed down by the rain, and the normally vibrant colours of the farm were dulled by the overcast sky.

You knew you had to trek out into the wet eventually, you had crops that needed harvesting as spring neared its inevitable end. You equipped your wellies and raincoat, and opened the door. Milo watched from afar, staying firm in his position by the fireplace.

"I didn't think you would want to come outside today Milo..." You sighed in frustration as the sharp rain drops hit your hands and exposed face.You stepped out into the muddy fields. The crops were ripe and ready to be harvested, but the rain had made them heavy and sodden. You pulled up a parsnip from the ground, the soil sticking to its roots, and placed it in your wheelbarrow.

As you worked, the rain started to get heavier, but you persisted, knowing that you had to get the crops harvested before they spoiled, and there was no way you could afford to waste any of the precious produce you had spent all spring growing. Finally, after hours of working in the rain, you finished the harvest. Your clothes were soaked through, your boots caked in mud, and your body now aching from the frozen state you found yourself in. However, you did feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that you had completed the task at hand despite the weather conditions.

However, as you made your way back through the fields onto the path, your felt your boot catch on a rock hidden beneath the mud, causing you to trip and fall face first into the puddle of mud beneath you. You felt the cold mud seep through your clothes and smear across your skin. Your hair was now plastered to your face, and you could feel the wetness seeping into your shoes. You groaned, cursing your clumsiness and the miserable weather.

Struggling to push yourself up, you slipped in the mud once more and fell back down. You let out a frustrated sigh and swear as you realised how hard it was going to be to get up, almost is if you were stuck in limbo. Your clothes were heavy with water and mud, making every movement a struggle. With a grunt, you finally managed to stand up and wipe the mud from your face. This day was now worse than the day you nearly died, and you had no problem stating something as bold as that.

You heard scurried footsteps running into the farm. You prayed that it was not Harvey. You would not want him to see you in this sorry state.

"Oh god, is now a bad time Evangeline?" A familiar voice called out. "Yes, yes it is..." you thought to yourself.

You turned to see Robin entering the farm on the pathway, she looked more prepared for the bad weather than you. This was an embarrassing sight.

"Um, maybe a little..." You called out, still wiping away the muddy concoction from your cheeks.

"I just wanted to drop off this letter for you, it arrived in my post for some reason." She called out to you as you began to make your way up the path to the farm house where she was stood, under cover from the treacherous weather. Robin popped the letter in your letter box.

"Thanks Robin, you really didn't need to drop that off today." You explained as you approached the farmhouse too. "It's no problem, I enjoy this weather funnily enough." She giggled. "See you around, hope that mud isn't too hard to get off," she winked as she turned to leave.

You stripped your boots off at your front door and walked in a peculiar fashion to your bathroom to avoid getting mud all over the floor and furniture. You first stripped and showered, getting the worst of the mud off. You followed this shower by a nice warm bath.

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