47 | I Want To Bite You Sometimes

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"Attention Everyone! Since it is my day, I should get to decide what we will do today!" Jin speaks with a glass of wine in his hands. They were in the dining area, having evening snacks.

"Just don't ask us to watch you two kiss or make out!" Yoongi replies with a grossed out face, making Jhope laugh out loud while hitting his shoulder.

"Not a bad Idea~" Jin slurs his words.
"Hyuu~ng" Taehyung & Jimin whine out loud while Namjoon & Jungkook only snort at them.


"We are playing tag? That too blind folded? That too on a crowded place?"
"Oh C'mon Yoongi, it will be fun!"
"Fun my ass! What if kids go around grabbing other tourists?"
"Kids? Who are the kids in our group?"

Yoongi turns his gaze towards Jimin, who gives him a sheepish grin. "I'll be careful...I promise" He says. Taehyung chuckles, lightly patting his head, "Oh yeah little baby?" He teases him.

"You too Taehyung. You both are the kids I'm talking about." Yoongi says with a brow raised, a teasing smirk on his face. Jungkook & Jhope snort at them, while Namjoon comes back with a blindfold.

"Here!" He gives it to Jin.
"Let's play rock-paper-scissors to decide who will be the 1st tagger."

And just like that, Jimin becomes the first tagger. Jin ties the cloth on his eyes, a little too tight that has him whining. Jungkook laughs before walking to him. "Let me re-do it."

He adjusts the blindfold, resulting in him to stare at Jimin's pout a little longer than needed, causing his stomach to flutter a bit. "Beautiful." He whispers, causing Jimin to bite his lips, blush spreads across his cheeks slightly.

The game starts after that. Jungkook turns Jimin around carefully before running away. They make weird sounds to take Jimin's attention and then run away whenever he gets closer to them, all laughing and having fun.

After running around blindly for two-three minutes, Jimin finally gets a hold of someone's tshirt. Without even checking the body, he yells excitedly and removes the blindfold from his eyes.

When he opens his eyes, others start laughing on him while his yelling stops looking at the old-fat man he has caught onto. He bows down repeatedly, leaving the man's shirt.

"You lost! It's your turn again. And remember you have to shout out the name before removing the blindfold."
"Not fair! I'll do the full body check up next time!"

The game starts again, and again after a little while of playing around, he catches someone. That someone catches his breath in to not get found.

Jimin guides his hand to the face of the person, his fingers landing on the mouth of that someone, who opens his mouth and lightly bites on his finger.

Jimin retracts his hand as soon as possible. "Eee Jungkook! Gross!!!" He removes his blindfold to get shocked yet again. It was Taehyung this time.

He looks to his side to find other members laughing again, while Jungkook tries to not get jealous.

"You lost again!!" Taehyung yells excitedly, getting a hard punch in his stomach from Jimin. "You cheated!"

"Why? Does Jungkook bite your fingers on regular basis?" Taehyung smirks while Jimin gasps, hitting his arm this time. "Ouch! That hurts!"

"You deserve it!"
"Okay calm down you kids. Let's continue!"
"I'm not a kid Hobi Hyung~"

The game resumes, and a figure intentionally comes into Jimin's reach within a few minutes. Is it Jungkook this time? He thinks. He extends his arm, higher than before to not land on someone's mouth this time.

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