15. What Is Fake?

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Overcast Memoria ( Yuki's Point of View Part 5 )

When the ringtone from Den's phone went off, I quickly began to run toward where the sound was coming from. Isao ran close behind me but quickly passed me.

I couldn't help but think the demon got her before it came for Nyoko.

My heart began to pound in my ears as I followed the music that echoed through the trees.

It wasn't too far into the forest though when we finally got to the source of the sound.

The two of us panted softly as Den came into view. She was curled up in a ball with her back against a tree, facing away from the way we came. Her phone was on the floor beside her.

Isao squatted down to level himself with her and gently placed a hand on her back

"Den? You ok?" He asked worriedly.

I felt somewhat relieved when she looked up at him with puffy red eyes. Tears streamed down her bright red cheeks.

Without a word she stared at him silently as she sobbed, hugging her knees tightly.

Isao gently hugged her in hopes of helping ease her. "Shh shh, I'm here. Did you get hurt?" He said softly to her. The worry and concern he felt were evident from his tone of voice.

Isao cared for her so much, he always did. Everyone had always known that he loved her, and we thought Den felt the same when they started dating.

He'll never say it, but I know their breakup still hurts him deep down.

Den slowly shifted her sitting position to hug him back burying her head into his chest.

I squatted down next to the two of them, only looking away for a quick second when I heard Kurai approaching us.

"Take your time," Isao said to Den again. His voice was soft and gentle as he held her as if she was the most precious thing in the world to him.

When she finally pulled away slightly, he reached to gently wipe the tears from her eyes with his thumbs.

"Sorry, I made your hoodie a mess," Den said softly with a sniffle.

"All good, you're more important than some clothes." He responded with a smile.

"Is Yuki and the others ok?" Den asked she was now wiping her eyes herself in an attempt to stop her tears. The angle Kurai and I were from her was covered by Isao.

"Yeah, we're ok," I said, finally speaking with a small smile.

When she heard my voice she turned to me fast and stood up, I followed after her and stood up as she stepped around Isao to hug me tightly.

"I'm guessing you saw the demon?" I asked, gently rubbing her back as we hugged.

She nodded softly, her face buried in the crook of my neck.

"I'm- I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. I saw it, I was too scared and just curled up in a ball. I just saw it going to hurt them, and you ran in the way... I couldn't look, I should've gone to help but. I Couldn't."

Den sounded as if she was going to cry again as she explained her point of view. Her words were fast as if she was near a panic recalling what she saw.

"Hey hey, it's ok. There's nothing to worry about. We're all ok, and the demon's dead." I said to reassure her.

"As long as you're safe Den, you don't have to worry about us ok?" Isao pitched in.

"Actually." Kurai started, getting our attention.

Her words made me quickly grow uneasy.

"I don't think this is the end. The- Whoever sent the demon, I don't think they'll leave it at just one small Imp." She said.

The three of us didn't know how to respond. Den's grip on me tightened.

"Come, let's go to the others, we'll find a safe solution. For now, just don't get riled up," Kurai said as she turned around.

The thought of there being more to come was rather scary. But Kurai was here for me, and I'm here for her and the others if need be.

Den slowly let go of me and Isao wrapped his arm around her shoulders to comfort her, the two of them whispered to each other as they walked ahead of us.

Before I could follow Kurai grabbed my arm. I looked back to see the sorrowful look on her face.

"I'm proud of you Yuki," She said softly. "There might be a lot ahead, but stay calm ok? Just go with the flow and don't question anything. I'll be by your side no matter what, so just follow what you think is right."

"Kurai... What do you know about this?" I asked. She never acted like this before, even if things weren't going so well for whatever reason. I've never seen her so distraught.

Yet her words said she knew so much more. So why is she leaving me clueless like this?

"I don't know too much, but even still I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

I stared at her silently and chose to move on from the conversation. My whole life she took care of me and kept me safe, even if she got hurt doing so.

She's my big sister after all. All I could do was trust her when everything felt so... Fake.

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