Connect the Dots

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I looked again at the bloody piece of paper and noticed a sort of print disturbing the blood. It was part of a shoe print.

Seems to be from a sneaker.

"Alright. Let's keep going to the crime scene." Maki began walking, leading us into the library which was just nearby.

No one remained in that room, presumably investigating elsewhere.
I took this opportunity to review my notes.

-Pulley holding books.
-Fell onto Shuichu
- Missing book
-Bloody book-footprint (sneaker)

This was excluding the guilt chart.

I looked around the library to see if anything else in the room would be useful. Eventually, I came to a part of the bookshelf that was missing a book.

The book Kokichi said was missing was absent from the pile near the body, not on a different shelf...

I quickly noted "second missing book."

Maybe if we knew the contents of the original book, we could figure out why the killer tried to hide it.

Although, finding the book would be hard if the killer is keeping it...

Aghh I'm not cut out for this detective stuff. I know even my rivals are telling me I'm fit for the job but... I just don't know what to do.

I looked over towards Maki, who had taken the liberty of searching around the rest of the library, and Kaito who was... spinning the globe?

I slumped onto the floor against the bookshelf.

If I don't solve this case, who will? I mean, I know everyone outcasted me, but I still want to save them all. I just don't know if I can. Nothing I've found is helping me figure out the killer.

I can't tell if this murder is more sophisticated, or if I'm just a shitty investigator.

While I was wallowing in my self criticism, Maki noticed and walked over before asking me if I was okay.

I sighed, "Yeah, I'm fine, I just don't know if I'll be able to get through this trial."

Maki was silent for a moment, like she didn't know what to say. Eventually, she did reply. "Well you definitely won't if you waste the investigation time moping in disbelief. Our lives are on the line and you should at least try. Don't you want to survive till the end of this?"

Nothing like the weight of reality and the threat of death to motivate you. Although I definitely prefer that over a "believe in yourself" speech.

I sighed and hesitantly stood up. "I suppose you're right. wasting time won't do me any good."

"I'm glad that worked because I really have no idea how to pep-talk people."

I laughed a little in response before she added "Oh, by the way, I found this piece of white fabric, and it has a little bit of blood on it."

"So we can assume the killer has some type of white clothing... although that doesn't really narrow down the suspect list. I'll put the fabric in a bag."

"Well it clears Keebo and... that's about it."

"Well I'm sure Keebo will be happy to know he's cleared." Despite already being cleared thanks to Miu.

Kaito then walked up, "Hey did you guys notice the Globe is broken?"

"It's been 15 minutes, and all you have to report is a broken globe?" Maki seemed annoyed by his lack of contribution."

"Well I saw some blood on it, so I went to spin it around and-"

"Why didn't you lead with the blood!?" Maki interrupted him as I put my head in my hand frustratedly.

I sighed, "Well, finish what you were saying," I said nodding towards Kaito, who had his hand on his neck in embarrassment.

"Well, I was going to look at the table the globe was on, and I noticed some blood on the globe, so I went to spin it around to see where all the blood was, and it was broken, with nail scratches on it too. The rod between the globe that attached it to the frame wasn't fully attached, and part of it was broken off!"

"I wonder what the killer was doing to break the globe and get blood on it..."

"If we had checked it during the start of the investigation, then we would know if it was broken before or after."

"You guys may not have looked at the globe, but I sure did! Globes are suuuper fun!"

"Kokichi? When did you get in here?"

"A few minutes ago. I've just been listening. Never thought you to be an anxious type, Y/n!"

"I didn't even hear you come in..." Maki seemed more disappointed than annoyed, perhaps she was disappointed with her inability to notice him.

"Was the globe broken when you checked, or not?"

"Not even a hello? Well, I already knew you were rude," he rolled his eyes at me, and I returned the gesture.

"Just give us the information. We're on a time limit here."

"Fine," he huffed, "It was not broken, nor did it have blood on it."

"I'm curious as to why you were looking at the globe in the first place."

"Hmmm... well I wasn't specifically checking it for anything. Let's call it fidgeting, and I certainly would've noticed if it was broken and not spinning, or if there was a bright pink bloody stain."

"Well even though it worked out this time, stop fidgeting around in crime scenes! You could damage evidence!"

"Hmph, scolding me without even a thank you. And I thought we were buddies."

"What could have possibly given you that impression?"

"Oh, just the hours we played chess together, and when you came into my dorm and we-" he cut himself off "-well, you know what happened."

My eyes widened. He knows I won't expose what we actually talked about. What a jerk, using this opportunity to make it sound like we did something scandalous.

I facepalmed before glancing at Maki and Kaito's confused and concerned expressions.

"Nothing happened, we just talked and Kokichi is being a misleading prick as usual."

He snickered in response. Kaito seemed satisfied by my explanation, although Maki still seemed to have some concerns.

"Attention students! Please make your way to the trial grounds elevator yet again! Your investigation time has come to an end, and the class trial is soon to begin!"

"Great, thanks for wasting our time, Kokichi," Maki said sarcastically. Frustration was apparent in Maki's voice.

"Hey don't worry guys! I'm sure even with his distractions we can make it through this trial no problem!"

"I appreciate the sentiment, Kaito, but this trial certainly won't be just a walk in the park. It will be quite the challenge."

"Nishishi~ I sure hope it will!" Kokichi had his hands behind his head and was grinning widely while he walked.

I want to smack that smile right off his face. And I will if we make it through this trial.

Right, make it through the trial, that should be the focus. Kokichi later, trial now.

I finished giving myself a mental pep talk, if I can even call it that, just as we reached the statue.

I proceeded to write some last second notes, such as details about the globe, the fabric.

"Oooh! I'm so excited!" Kokichi was acting excited as the elevator appeared, at least I hope he was acting...

Well, into the elevator for the third trial we go.

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now