17. Falter

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Virtue Memoria ( Den's Point of View Part 2 )

My head pounded intensely, and my eyes burned from tears. I felt sick, dizzy, and hurt. I was a mess.

I almost watched Nyoko die, and Yuki went to help her. Then I almost died, and Yuki died to save me.

Why can't I do anything? Why can't I move? My friends were in danger and all I could do was watch and cry.

Why can't I be brave? Why can't I be like the others?

I put my hand over my mouth and closed my eyes, I wanted to throw up. The smell of blood, the sight of Yuki lying there.


The sound of the others screaming or crying as all the shock and grief tore out of their lungs slowly washed away.

I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't feel anything. I felt as if I was unconscious, but I wasn't.

"Shh Shh, it's ok sunshine. I am here for you," A sweet voice cooed.

I rubbed my eyes and looked up. I wasn't in the forest. I didn't know where I was.

All I saw was a slightly chubby woman with a gentle smile, she looked happy yet concerned as she stood in front of me. She had long curly black hair and tan skin. She was dressed in a fancy rose-gold-colored robe with gold jewelry. Behind her were a bunch of marble columns and a pink velveted throne surrounded by soft warm pastel-colored flowers that looked straight out of fiction.

The room was breathtaking.

The woman slowly crouched in front of me to level with me on the floor.

"Did... I die?" I asked shakily.

She gently wiped the tears from my face and sighed softly.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this dear, you seem so full of burdens you don't deserve." Her voice was sweet, it felt almost healing to hear. "But I am here now, you are alive and well, but I am here to lend you aid. Den Hinode, I truly pity you. Allow me to lend you some of my power to protect your friends."

I felt as if there was an abundance of energy surrounding me, it felt tranquil and as if nothing horrible had just occurred.

"Who are you?"

"I am Maia, the goddess of beauty and motherhood."

"How is that supposed to help?" I asked, sniffling softly.

"There's a lot you can do with my powers, never underestimate it. Alright?" She laughed softly, gently moving the hair from my face.

"Here," She made a rolled-up piece of paper appear in her hand and held it out to me. "Just sign this contract, and you'll have some of my power along with natural knowledge on how to use it."

I took the paper carefully and slowly unwrapped it to read a large amount of writing.

Even if I don't fully trust it, I can't resist it. I want to help my friends, ever since I met them I always ran away from my problems and left them to fix it all for me.

Now they're in danger and I can't do that. I don't want to do that.

I want to live with them, to be happy with them. To protect them as they protected me.

I won't let Yuki's sacrifice for me be in vain.

I'll use this life for them.

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