20. Mending Life

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Flora Memoria ( Nyoko's Point of View Part 2 )

I gripped my chest, it felt tight. I couldn't breathe. I didn't know if I was having a panic attack or a heart attack.

It hurt so much. I knew they said there were more demons, but I couldn't find the sense of mind to care. 

To run.

All I could do was sit there, watching Yuki as the other girl was trying to stop her bleeding, while Hiro and Isao mourned in pain and whispered their goodbyes to an empty husk. To our friend.

I wanted to reach out, to help.

But what could I do?

I fell to my knees, all I could do was scream as I leaned forward.

I was hurt. I was scared.

I was angry.

Angry at myself.

Angry at the world.

Why did this happen? Why us?

"Oh dear, this is so unlike you." A woman spoke.

"If you're gonna kill me, just do it already. I don't want to do this." I gritted my teeth, preparing myself to be the next victim of a demon. I'd rather die now than watch any more of my friends die.

I didn't want any more of their happy faces to turn into the lifeless look Yuki wore in my memories.

"No no, don't speak like that." She said, her tone sounded sad. I looked up at her when I felt a gentle hand caress my arm.

She was nearly covered in freckles, with bright curly auburn hair. She had round green eyes and thin lips in a sad comforting smile.

"I will never harm you, dear. I wish to help, I have been watching over you for quite some time, and seeing your kind heart think such awful things is painful." She explained.

"Now, take deep steady breaths and listen to me ok?" I nodded softly at her instructions and began to take steady deep breaths to calm myself.

"For introductions, I am the goddess of Life, Croía from the pantheon Epómeni Geniá. I called your consciousness here because I wish to offer you a choice. I have a contract, actually." I blinked as a piece of paper appeared in her hand alongside a feathered pen.

She handed me both of them, and I rolled open the contract with shakey hands.

"I wish to give you a fraction of my power, to help your friends, to help the world." She said her last bit with emphasis, making me look back at her instead of the contract.

"If you sign that contract, you'll gain the ability and knowledge to fight. I will guide your every move, within your thoughts. And... My power isn't only to fight, but to heal."

"Can I heal Yuki?" I asked quickly, my eyes lit up at the possible thought of saving her.

"If you are quick, you may try." And with that, I signed the contract. Skimming through it was enough for me, even if I didn't fully understand it.

If I can heal, then I have a chance to save her. Even if it's slim.

I can protect everyone else too. I can fight for them, heal them.

If the world for whatever reason gave us this horrible fate, I'll fight back, and I'll make the best of it.

For everyone's sake.

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