30. Impenetrable

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Voidant Memoria ( Leo's Point of View Part 1 )

"Feeling any better?" Naito asked nervously as he entered the living room. I just sat down on the couch after a long bath to relieve myself of the anger and anxiety that flooded over me.

I took a small sip of the glass of milk in my hand and nodded softly. The anxiety wasn't completely gone, I couldn't stop thinking about what to expect or prepare the others for.

I didn't want to lose anyone again, so if something bad is going to happen I have to step up and keep the three of them safe.

"Why are you up so late? You should be in bed by now." I asked as I looked over at him standing in the doorway.

He looked at me and then down to the ground as if he was at a loss for what to say. I waited patiently for him to gather his response.

"Well, I was worried about you because of how you and Kurai acted."

"You don't have to worry about that, you two will be safe with us," I responded quickly. He's a smart kid, I had a strong feeling he was going to make an attempt to get me to tell him everything.

At times, I thought I should.

But it was dangerous, so I thought of avoiding it all, and living a normal life. I thought that would've been the best for them.

But Kurai thought differently, she knew Naito struggled to lie. So she taught Yuki alone about the magic behind my back.

I didn't know how much she taught her, or when.

If only they listened this whole thing could have been prevented.

"I trust you brother, and I know you don't want me and sis to know about whatever issues you guys go through. But you have to tell us something at least, especially if it evolves us. You can't keep avoiding it and leaving us oblivious to our whole lives."

I bit my lip in frustration.

"Learning magic is dangerous, I get that. But what were they drawing attention from?" He asked.

"Kurai can tell you. I don't want to talk about all this right now."

Naito shook his head in frustration. "There you go avoiding it again. They haven't come home yet, so I thought I could talk to you for once. Aren't we even a family if we can't be honest with each other?" He said, his words filled with anger and disappointment as he exited my field of view.

"They aren't home?" I asked, I quickly put the glass of milk down on the living room table and stood up.

It was 23:30. They left at 21:00. They're never out for long at night.

I knew Naito was watching me as I sped walked to their shared bedroom and opened the door to see it empty. I then quickly walked to the front door not caring if I was shirtless, and didn't care to put on my slippers.

When I opened the door my heart froze.

"What is that?" Naito asked as he slowly came from behind me.

Surrounding our tiny home, was a large grey-colored barrier.

"She signed a contract," I said absent-mindedly. My heart felt as if it was still, something is happening that made the goddess put a barrier to protect us.

After a minute or two of staring at the barrier, the sound of screams quickly snapped me back to reality. I spun around quickly and pushed Naito back into the house, shutting the door behind us.

I didn't want him to see anything. Not where the screams came from, and not any grotesque demon I sensed slowly coming in a range of our home.

He's too young for this.

They're both too young for this.

"What's going on? What do you mean by contract, and what's over our home?" Naito asked worriedly.

"Naito. You're gonna stay here where it's safe, ok? But I need you to listen to me first." I said, grabbing his shoulder to make sure he knew I was serious. He looked so scared and confused.

"I need to teach you magic, if a god wants you then they'll let me help our sisters. But no matter what the god says, you cannot fight. Understand?"

Naito nodded quickly and I hugged him tightly.

If it's come to this. I'll find a loophole in their contracts.

I'll keep them safe.

I refuse to lose anyone else, even if it means I'll have to go back on my word.

"I'm sorry to make you do this Naito, but if we work together I can find a way to keep our family together. So let's make this quick, ok?" Naito nodded quickly.

"Good, now follow my instructions. I don't know what Kurai taught Yuki, but I can teach you energy control." I smiled softly, this could be a step to my final grave, but if it was for them I'd charge to it. I gently grabbed his hands and made his palms face each other as I guided him.

"Now, close your eyes."

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