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CHAPTER 1 : Unexpected Meetings

Inara placed her head on the glass of the metro. She was heading towards her home after a long day of work . Countless thoughts filled her head . The foremost was , the unethical request of Zubair . He wanted her to be a surrogate mother of his brother in law's child . His wife , Sadia's older brother's wife was unable to conceive after 10 long years of marriage , and after countless research , Sadia suggested them go for surrogacy . But they didn't know any surrogate . So to earn a point in his in-laws eyes , Zubair suggested her name.

And now the pressure was over her head.

She wouldn't have worried about it this much , if her parents , who stayed in her house , didn't pressure her for the sake of the blind love they had towards their son . Her mind was all over the place.

"Miss , is the place free?" A girl asked her and she quickly looked up and gave a nod. She cut the string of her thoughts finally.

"Yes , it's free" Inara removed her white bag from the empty seat providing the girl a place to stay .

"Nice purse" She passed a compliment , making Inara smile staring at it . It was the first item she brought from her own money.


"Well-what's your name?" The girl asked her and Inara smiled slightly .

"Inara Hussain . And yours ?" She asked.

"Seher Siddiqui" Seher smiled and opened her bag searching for something. And when she finally found it , her smile grew wider.

"Here is it . Have it" She said and passed Inara a home made chocolate wrapped up in a foil paper.

"Urm thank you" Inara felt bad to decline , seeing the wide smile and hence took it.

"So, what do you do Sehar?" Inara asked trying to engage the other in a conversation. A few minutes of talking , were enough for her to know that she and Sehar were more similar than she could imagine . They both liked lilies , they both grew up reading Twilight and now they cringed on the idea of even watching the movie , they both felt ketchup on noodles should be declared a war crime . And the list went on .

"Oh it's my stop" Inara realised and got up from the seat , as she noticed people walking out.

"Khuda hafiz" Inara quickly said while holding the strip of her bag and quickly ran off at the station.

Sehar waved off to Inara with a smile sadly , realising that they both forgot to exchange numbers and there were around zero chances that they would meet again .

Inara walked on the station and opened her purse . There was a medicine , which she had to take to make her body get ready for the process of surrogacy . As much as she hated taking it , she had to , due to the pressure . And if she didn't, she was labelled as a selfish , self centred and wicked woman , who was denying other woman the happiness of getting to hold a child .

She stared at the canteen area of the metro ,where the food was being sold. Her stomach grumbled at the sight of it. She wanted to buy some but she already used her money in the office's canteen . The events of the morning were surely crazy and left her even more hungry, afterall it was her first day in the company and on that day , dealing with the C.E.O made her even more tired .

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