33. Infestation

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Flora Memoria ( Nyoko's Point of View Part 4 )

I quickly slipped my dual guns into the holsters at my side and rushed to Den.

"Please, please wake up," I mumbled in a panic as I rushed to her side. Me and Toku managed to kill the three demons, but the large pool of blood under her, as she lay unconscious, made my heart race.

Toku rushed to her with me, he gently turned her to make her lay on her back. Her shoulder was busted, and her skull was bleeding a good amount.

"She has slight internal bleeding in her ribs, fractured shoulder, and a cracked collarbone, and her skull is cracked. Let me heal her." Toku explained calmly. I watched him silently as he placed one hand on each area where her wounds were. Her wounds looked like they were healing slowly but surely as her bleeding began to come to a stop.

"We should let her rest," Toku stated as he slowly picked her up in his arms.

"But what if the others need us?" I asked concerned, I knew he was right but I couldn't just stand by knowing everyone else was risking their lives.

"They'll be fine. Whether you help or not if their lives are at stake then their at stake. It's better to work on full health than charge into a fight weak." His calm tone made it hard for me to argue with him, I followed him and he decided we take refuge on top of a building so we can lend help from a distance as support.

A few minutes felt like hours as we sat there in silence, I watched Den closely in hopes of seeing signs of her waking up. The uncomfortable silence was cut off when I heard the loud bang of Toku taking a shot.

"What did you shoot Toku?" I turned to look at him curiously, I couldn't see as far as he could. Even with my scopes.

"A demon almost killed two of your friends. So I shot it." Toku's voice was always deadpan and blunt. As if everything he spoke was an absolute fact.

"Who? Are they ok?" I asked worriedly, this is why I didn't want to stay here.

"The one with the star. His team." He reloaded his Sniper Rifle, it was decorated in polished white wood and Jade designs that resembled plants.

"His guardian allowed the two of them to essentially fight alone. He's stupid." He continued. "But they are ok, I don't see any critical injuries."

"Thank god," I said softly, speaking more to myself than to him.

"Are you ok? You look bad." Toku said, now looking back at Den. I turned quickly to see that she was now sitting up, the loud gunfire must've woken her.

"Yeah, just shaken up. It's gonna be hard getting used to fighting these things. I don't know how you do it Nyoko." Den looked over at me, a sad look in her eyes as she wiped her own blood from her face.

"I guess... The adrenaline rush? And protecting people, definitely makes it easier." I didn't know exactly how to respond to her. I didn't want to act like I was naturally better than her, I didn't want to make her feel bad for losing her first fight.

I felt so bad for her. I care for her deeply, but maybe her being our friend wasn't a good choice on her part.

"Let's continue," Toku said as he stood up, he held out his hand over the ledge of the building and all the house plants inside and around the apartment building slowly stretched to form stairs connecting the roof to the ground.

"Thank you for your help," Toku said as if speaking to the plants while he began to walk down the steps. Me and Den followed him close behind and I held her hand tightly to make sure she didn't lose her balance.

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