40. Resurface

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Justice Memoria ( Seina's Point of View Part 5 )

"Both of you focus on the smaller one. I'll handle the big one." Kurai called out her order as she fixed her stance.

I looked over at Yuki to see her silently nod in response. Yuki slowly stepped closer to me as if she was guarding me.

The smaller demon looked around in a panic, once it noticed a corpse on the side of the street, before it could make its way over Yuki quickly ran as fast as she could to intersect the demon.

"Move!" it screamed at her as it raised its hand again, Yuki quickly ducked and avoided the attack. With a swift diagonal move upwards she sliced the stomach of the demon.

The cut didn't seem deep enough to kill it, but enough to harm it as it roared with pain.

"Brother!" The larger demon called out in panic.

"Duck Yuki!" I called out as the smaller demon wobbled closer to her, tears streamed from its eyes as it reached for her in desperation.

Once Yuki quickly ducked at my command, I swung my war hammer the hardest I could. The blunt end slammed into the demon's face and with a smooth movement once my swing went fully through I swapped the position of my war hammer to swing once more almost immediately, this time hitting the back of the demon's head.

Yuki quickly jumped back to avoid the demon falling to the ground at her feet.

The smaller demon yelled and cried in a slur of words. I couldn't understand what he was saying and a part of me in all honesty felt bad for it.

But it had to be done.

"No, no! Brother!" The bigger demon cried, it was holding back Kurai's sword to prevent her from piercing it. It seemed as if adrenaline filled the demon's body as it watched Yuki, without hesitation, impale the back of the smaller demon's head with her sword.

She stared down at the smaller demon before looking at the bigger one as if she wanted to see a reaction.

I didn't know what to think about the look on her face. As if taking a life was something she was used to.

But maybe she was just putting how she felt aside. Maybe she knew it had to be done so she pushed herself through it.

Yuki never showed any signs of cruelty after all.

The larger demon quickly with all his might threw Kurai to the side, her body slamming into the building wall and falling onto the broken shards of glass.

I quickly got into a swinging position as the larger demon rushed towards us, screaming with anger.

"I'll kill you!" He cried, as I swung he jumped over my attack with great speed. It tackled Yuki and slammed her into the ground.

As tears streamed down the demon's face, it punched Yuki with all its might, droplets of blood spilling down from him onto her.

She stabbed him. She used the force he put into diving into her to pierce him in the chest.

"He wasn't supposed to die! My little brother was supposed to be free!" He sobbed angrily, each time he punched Yuki black smoke swirled around her head.

"This wasn't what we were promised!" He screamed.

I felt so lost. So confused.

His words rang in my head.

Were these demons offered something in return for this? Was this not a sudden twisted event?

Who planned this?

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