42. Keep Going

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Overcast Memoria ( Yuki's Point of View Part 7 )

I felt no pity as the demon cried over me. The pain from his punches didn't faze me or deter my determination.

No matter how much he hits me, I'll keep healing. I won't falter.

Not when lives are at stake.

Not when my loved ones are at stake.

These demons have to die for their sake, and I don't care what happens to me in the process. As long as the others are safe.

Black smoke slowly slid up my blade into his body, as if it was guided by my thoughts.

By my plan for the next course of action. The smoke solidified and expanded with spikes. The demon coughed up blood as its organs were pierced.

"Yuki!" I heard Kurai call out, she quickly ran to me and stabbed the demon in the side, using all her strength to push the demon off of me.

She looked at the demon and then at me in a mix of confusion and fear.

I knew this was my goal.

What I had to do.

But was it normal to feel so casual about this?

Pulled my sword from the demon's body as I stood up. My upper body was covered in blood and spit and I carefully wiped my face clean as the dark smoke swirled around my face to heal the acid-burned wounds on my skin.

"Are you ok?" She asked hesitantly. She was worried, but it felt like it wasn't my physical safety that concerned her.

In all honesty. I didn't know how to answer.

I stood over the demon and stabbed it in the head. I did it repeatedly I wanted to be certain the demon was dead.

To be certain no more lives can be taken by his hand.

I only stopped when Seina put her arm on my shoulder and pulled me away.

"Yuki. You can stop." She said sternly, gathering all of my attention. I turned to look at her, a look of concern was in her blue eyes.

There was silence between us for a few minutes before I recollected myself.

"I... I just had to make sure." I was hesitant to explain myself.

"It's ok. I understand, but you don't need to brutalize a corpse." Seina said softly as she watched me.

"Right, I'm sorry."

I took a deep breath to see Kurai watching me silently as if she was unsure.

As if I was something, different.

I felt so off.

The idea of harming something, of harming someone.

Did that ever cross my mind before this?

Maybe I'm not what I always thought I was.

The tension felt high in the air. As if we stood with no direction.

"Let's keep going," I said as I began to walk off. We can't idle for too long. People could be in danger.

As I made the distance from the other two, dark blue smoke filled the air. The smoke was thick and opaque. I couldn't see past a few inches in front of me.

The smoke took my sense of direction completely as if I was floating in nothingness.

"Seina! Kurai!" I called out as loud as I could. I couldn't hear a thing, it irked me. I need to find them. I have to find them.

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