45. Devouring Hope

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Strike Memoria ( Hiro's Point of View Part 4 )

It felt strange, feeling the glass shards exit my skin as I ate. It was only a bag of chips, yet it was enough to heal the damage he gave me.

I no longer felt the burning sensation as the cuts on my back closed.

I felt brand new.

Keiko stared at me silently before she stood up. She walked to a counter and grabbed a bag before walking around the store and filling it with snacks.

"You ok?" I asked nervously. She was suspicious of me, I knew that. But I didn't know what to say.

What if she sees me differently?

"We're in a dangerous situation, so I won't pry. But my god said we should return to the clearing. So I'm getting food for the others." She said bluntly, I could tell she wasn't happy. I can't blame her either.

If one of them hid a major secret like I am, I'd be upset too.

I guess that makes me a hypocrite.

But I'm scared of what would happen if they knew.

What if they got hurt? What if they left me? I don't want to lose my friends.

Not when they're the only thing that's truly made me feel safe.

I wish Ryuji was here to help lighten the mood. But he wanted to wait outside the food mart to make sure everything stayed ok.

I awkwardly watched as Keiko gathered everyone's favorite snacks as if she had a grocery list engraved into her head.

She always seemed to remember every little detail about us all. Even things we ourselves would forget.

As she wrapped the bag securely around her hand, a loud crash happened.

Ryuji was sent flying into the food mart through a window, his back slamming into the shelves and knocking them over like dominoes.

Before a shelf could fall onto Keiko, she looked as if she teleported beside me in a split second. She must have used her time magic to speed up just in time.

"Ryuji! Are you alright? Do you need help?" Keiko called worriedly as we both rushed to him.

"I'm fine, but you two should get out of here. Go someplace safe." He ordered with a small groan as he slowly stood up.

"I'm healed now Ryuji. Let me help you fight." I nearly pleaded.

Ryuji put his hand on my head as if to tell me to listen.

"Go. I can handle this, these demons will be too much for you to handle. We can't have you strained again either." His voice was filled with strength and determination.

"Are you sure? Didn't you say it's best to stick as a group?" Keiko asked in confusion.

"Just go," Ryuji said once more, this time his tone was demanding.

I nodded as I respected his resolve.

"Meet us at the clearing, Ryuji." My words were solely to make him promise his return.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." He replied, before quickly exiting through the window he was sent into. Without hesitation, I grasped Keiko's arm and pulled her to the back exit of the food mart.

"Hiro, are you sure this is a good idea? What if he gets hurt?" Keiko asked worriedly, I glanced back as I kept pulling her to safety and I noticed that standing in front of Ryuji were four demons. All of them are from different layers of hell.

Why were demons of different rings teaming up? I understood Imps aren't strong. But this whole situation felt as if they saw it as a necessity to kill us.

I had so many questions.

I firmed my grip and continued to pull Keiko to safety.

It was odd. The demon energy wasn't crazy strong earlier, and the energy was so dim now it was as if everything vanished.

Did my friends manage to kill them all? Did the demons run away?

I just have to hope that the others are in the clearing. That Ryuji returns after.

"All the chaos died down so fast... We- you, only fought one demon," Keiko said softly as she followed me close behind. It was strange.

This whole situation was so strange. Nothing made sense.

There were so few demons. So weak. They didn't underestimate me, did they?

No, they always do more than needed. But if it wasn't them then who?

Who summoned imps? Who sent them after us specifically? Why did the demon earlier choose to fight me instead of chasing after the weaker people trying to escape the chaos?

Ryuji said demons of Pride relish in their achievements, so why focus on a small group of high schoolers and their guardians instead of trying to get a high kill count?

I wanted answers I didn't know if I would ever find.

After a pretty long time of walking, we finally arrived at the clearing. Once halfway in the woods, I let go of Keiko.

"Go see the others, I'm gonna check on Ryuji"  I quickly began to walk from where we came, I could feel Keiko watching me as I quickly left her field of view.

As I made my way through the woods, I caught the sudden smell of blood and felt the warmth of intense light magic. 


Without hesitation, I followed the scent. The chance of me dying against an Imp was low. Even my friends could defeat them after all, and they were a lot newer to magic than I was.

As I arrived at the location of the horrific scent I felt my heart sink.

I wasn't ready for this.

I could never be ready for this.

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