Chapter 1

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I trudged homeward, the weight of exhaustion hanging heavy upon me. My part-time job had demanded more of me than usual today, with a seemingly endless stream of customers. I knew the consequences of my tardiness awaited me at home-a brutal beating and the absence of a prepared dinner. Such was the cycle of my life, a never-ending nightmare I had become resigned to enduring.

As I pushed open the front door, dread settled into the pit of my stomach. There sat my mother and father on the couch, wielding a belt between them. Instantly, I knew the torment was about to commence. The derogatory words spewed from my mother's mouth, labeling me a slut, cut through the air like shards of glass.

"Mom, I wasn't fooling around," I attempted to defend myself, but my words were eclipsed by a sharp slap across my face, followed by a brutal kick from my father.

"How dare you talk back to me, you ungrateful bitch?" My mother's rage radiated through every word, her eyes ablaze with fury. "I'll show you what you get for disrespecting me."

The onslaught began-an unrelenting barrage of beatings, the sting of the belt slicing into my flesh and the impact of their kicks bruising my already battered body. Then, the scene descended further into a macabre hell as my father seized a beer bottle and shattered it against my face. Agonized screams tore from my throat, and a desperate yearning to escape consumed every fiber of my being. But my mother's iron grip on my hair held me captive, immobilized by the anguish inflicted upon me.

"Aaahhhh!" I cried out in searing pain, my voice echoing through the house.

My vision blurred with tears as I watched my father approach, the jagged remnants of the bottle a malevolent weapon poised to pierce my fragile flesh. Instinctively, I searched for something, anything, that could serve as a distraction. My eyes landed upon a ceramic vase near the entryway, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that enveloped me.

Summoning every ounce of strength remaining within my battered frame, I clawed my way towards the vessel. Sensing an opportunity, I gathered the remnants of my willpower and flung the vase at the man who no longer deserved to be called my father-a man intent on murdering his own daughter.

"Arraghh!" He groaned in pain as the porcelain shattered against his head, momentarily disorienting him.

As my father crumpled to the ground, my mother's attention diverted to his plight, offering me the slim chance I needed. I seized the moment, propelled forward by a surge of adrenaline. With every ounce of energy, I sprinted towards the exit, hoping against hope to find salvation on the main road. But my escape was abruptly halted by the blinding lights of an approaching car hurtling towards me. Before I could react, unconsciousness swallowed me whole.


We exited the car after our sudden halt, disoriented and confused by the unexpected interruption. But as our eyes fell upon the girl lying before us, battered and broken, shock coursed through our veins. Shattered glass marred her delicate features, her limbs adorned with a tapestry of bruises. Yet there she lay, an eerie tranquility eclipsing the pain etched upon her countenance. Unconsciousness had claimed her, a temporary refuge from the torment she had endured.

"What the hell? Why did you stop the car?" Yoongi's voice carried a mix of frustration and concern.

"The driver said there was a girl in front of the car, sir," the driver explained, his voice laced with worry.

With urgency propelling us into action, Jin swiftly scooped the girl into his arms. The collective gasp of the BTS members echoed through the night air, disbelief etched upon our faces as we gazed upon her battered form.

"She's so young," Jimin's voice trembled with a mix of pity and outrage.

"They've subjected her to unspeakable cruelty," Hoseok's voice quivered with disbelief.

Though we were mafias who had committed unspeakable acts, we had never harmed children or innocents. And yet, such atrocities had been inflicted upon this defenseless girl.

"We have no time to waste. We need to treat her immediately," Namjoon's voice cut through the heavy silence, his determination evident.

With careful precision, we settled into the car, Jin and Yoongi cradling the girl with her head resting gently on Jin's lap. A unanimous decision was made to take her to Jin's home, a place where we could tend to her wounds in a familiar and safe environment.

"Shouldn't we take her to the hospital?" Jungkook questioned, concern lacing his voice.

"No, it would take too much time," Jin replied, his voice filled with a sense of urgency.

"Then let's bring her home so we can provide immediate treatment," Yoongi suggested abruptly, his uncharacteristic conviction surprising us all. Though we were taken aback by his suggestion, we put aside our questions and concerns, prioritizing the girl's well-being above all else.

 Though we were taken aback by his suggestion, we put aside our questions and concerns, prioritizing the girl's well-being above all else

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