Chapter 14

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The atmosphere in the BTS mansion was gradually shifting, and with each passing day, the members focused on helping Y/N heal

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The atmosphere in the BTS mansion was gradually shifting, and with each passing day, the members focused on helping Y/N heal. Jin took charge of preparing Y/N's favorite food, while Jisoo gathered everyone for an important discussion before they could join Y/N.

Jisoo addressed the group, encouraging them to refer to her as "Noona." She emphasized the need to maintain a positive environment for Y/N, suggesting they avoid discussing the traumatic incident in her presence. Jisoo also recommended removing any sharp objects from her room and ensuring someone was always with her, even if they remained in the background. Before venturing into planning activities, she sought ideas from the rest of the group.

Rose suggestion to list down Y/N's favorite things and activities received unanimous approval. They decided to discuss it further after Y/N had gone to sleep for the night.

As the members descended to the kitchen, they found Jin cooking while Y/N sat on the counter, indulging in a chocolate treat and engaging in a conversation with Jin. With Jisoo and Yoongi joining Jin in assisting with the cooking, the remaining members, Lisa, Jennie, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Rose, along with Y/N, opted to watch movies together.

Lisa asked Y/N which movie she wanted to watch, but to their surprise, she remained silent, lost in her own thoughts. Sensing their worry, Rose gently shook her, trying to bring her back to the present.

Finally, Y/N snapped out of her daze and responded with a murmured "hmm." Jungkook expressed his desire to watch Avengers, but upon seeing Y/N's lack of enthusiasm, he quickly dismissed the idea, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. However, Y/N, not wanting to dampen her brother's spirits, quietly returned to her seat, indicating that she was okay with watching the movie.

Meanwhile, in the conversation with Jin, Jisoo, and Yoongi, they discussed the upcoming plans for Y/N. Jisoo had prepared a list of activities to help her feel more comfortable and enjoy her time. Jin couldn't help but express his concerns about Y/N's progress, yearning for her to return to her former self.

Jimin shared his and Y/N's idea of watching movies together every night, as it had become a way for them to escape reality and enjoy fleeting moments of peace. With dinner concluded, the members made a joint effort to make Y/N feel included, initiating conversations and laughter throughout the meal.

After bidding Y/N goodnight, the rest of the members reconvened in the living room, ready to plan their next moves in creating a supportive environment for her. They discussed potential activities, trying to strike a balance between Y/N's comfort and the desire to help her regain her zest for life.

As the night unfolded, plans began to take shape, filled with the hope that each activity would allow Y/N to experience happiness and rediscover the light within her. Their unwavering love and commitment to Y/N would guide them through this healing journey, reminding her that she was never alone and that brighter days were ahead.

 Their unwavering love and commitment to Y/N would guide them through this healing journey, reminding her that she was never alone and that brighter days were ahead

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