Chapter 19

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Namjoon's voice trembled as he uttered the truth, exposing the dark reality they had been hiding from Yn

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Namjoon's voice trembled as he uttered the truth, exposing the dark reality they had been hiding from Yn. The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, suffocating them all.

"Yn, the thing is... we are Mafia," Namjoon confessed, his eyes downcast with remorse.

Shock and disbelief flooded Yn's expression as she shot up from her seat, the wooden chair scraping against the floor. "What?!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing out in sheer incredulity.

Yoongi's pleading gaze met Yn's, his features etched with a mixture of vulnerability and desperation. "Bub... please," he begged, his voice barely above a whisper.

Yn's eyes narrowed, the anger and curiosity swirling within them. "I... continue, oppa," she urged, her voice shaking with a sense of betrayal.

Namjoon took a deep, steadying breath, his eyes filled with remorse as he began to unravel their painful past. "Yn, as you may know, we are all orphans. We met for the first time at the orphanage. I was the first one to arrive. My parents were killed by a Mafia group over a debt, and since I had no place to go and no relatives willing to take me in, I was sent to the orphanage."

Yn's expression shifted from shock to understanding as Namjoon continued, her heart aching for the young boy he once was.

"After some time, Yoongi hyung arrived. He was severely injured, and it was discovered that his house had caught fire, and he was kidnapped and left on the street," Namjoon explained, his gaze turning to Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded solemnly, the pain and memories etched into his features. "We became close instantly, despite my disposition. But I wasn't the most affectionate person, so usually, the other kids didn't like staying by my side. And then Hobi came. He was different from us. His cheerful personality brought a smile to our faces."

Yn's voice rang out with recognition, "It was because of his cheerful personality, right?"

The members nodded, appreciating her understanding.

Hoseok's voice was soft and vulnerable as he continued the story. "I was abandoned by my parents right after birth. They saw me as a mistake, a burden. When I eventually found them, they made it clear that they didn't want a child. I didn't have anyone, so I instantly connected with Yoongi hyung and Namjoon. Though Yoongi hyung could be a bit cold, he always cared for us. Everything became better when Jin hyung joined us."

Namjoon's voice filled with gratitude as he spoke of Jin. "Jin hyung was like a parent, even though he was just a child himself. He always put us before himself. But we still don't know why he came to the orphanage..."

Jin's voice quivered with vulnerability and guilt as he prepared to reveal his own painful past. "I... I need to tell you the truth. Unlike all of you, I ran away from home. My father was a Mafia member, an abusive one. He would torment my mother and me. I have a sister."

Yn's voice filled with shock and concern, her heart reaching out to Jin. "Oppa, where is she now?"

Jin's voice broke as he revealed the painful truth. "She... she is no longer with us. One day when I wasn't home, as my father used to train me for his dark activities, he called his friends, and one of them... he... he... (Sobs wracked his body)"

Yn couldn't bear to see her brother in pain. She rose from her seat and embraced Jin, offering him solace as he cried.

Yoongi's voice quivered with empathy as he urged Jin to speak at his own pace. "Hyung, you don't have to continue if you're not ready..."

Jungkook's voice was filled with understanding and support as he echoed Yoongi's sentiment. "Yes, hyung. Take your time."

Jin wiped his tears and took a deep breath, the weight of his past bearing down on him heavily. "I... I will... He raped my sister. She was six years older than me. When I witnessed that, I... I didn't know what came over me, and... and I killed him on the spot. My mother was already suffering from cancer. She couldn't bear the burden anymore after learning about her daughter's agonizing circumstances, and she left this world. My father discovered that I had killed his friend, and he tortured me relentlessly. My sister fell into depression, and eventually, she took her own life. She left a letter instructing me to run away and never return. I escaped when I encountered an old lady. She was the owner of the orphanage, and she took me in."

Tears streamed down Yn's face as she grappled with the haunting revelations, the pain of her newfound family's tragic past enveloping her being. She tightened her embrace around Jin, her heart aching for the torment he had endured. The weight of their shared burden seemed to permeate the very air they breathed, creating a heavy silence that hung between them, punctuated only by Jin's muffled sobs.

 The weight of their shared burden seemed to permeate the very air they breathed, creating a heavy silence that hung between them, punctuated only by Jin's muffled sobs

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