Chapter 23

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Demon Powers? She's gaining powers already?! When the doctor told me she was slowly progressing, it meant she was slowly transforming. Part of me was thrilled, and the other part was scared.

Happy, she is gaining demon powers, and she'll be able to enter Hell with me; the other half is terrified of her reaction when she finds out the truth.

"How is this possible?" I asked

"How often have you and Ms. Winston been intimate, master?" he asked

"A few times, but we've used protection," I said

"What about recently?" he asked

"The last time was the first time we didn't use protection," I said

"Then there you have it, master; she's beginning to gain the same amount of your powers. The more intimate you both become, the stronger she will become, and then soon she will fully transform," he said

"And if we are not?" I asked

"Her powers will slowly fade away, and she will revert to human. Right now, she only has a tiny amount of power. The power was enough to heal her wounds, so she's still human," he said

"Perfect, Thank you, doctor," I said

When he disappeared, I removed my shirt and climbed into the hospital bed with my Bumblebee. I pulled my shoes and snuggled with her. I could feel her burying her face in my chest. Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning...

My Bumblebee was discharged from the hospital today. I brought her some fresh clothes; she was ready to go home.
"How are you feeling, my love?" I asked

"Much better, still a little sore," she said

"Doctor said to take it easy, love," I said

"I will; I just can't get over what happened; who would want me killed," she asked sadly.

"I don't know, my love, but I promise the police are finding out who did this; in the meantime, after all, that's happened, I've decided that you move in effective immediately," I said

"I understand, LuciBear," she said

"I'm doing this not just to protect you but because I love you, and I can't bear the thought of losing you," I said

"I love you too, and after what's happened, I've decided to move in with you," she said

"You've just made my day precious," I said

As soon as we left the hospital room, we noticed the reporters outside waiting for us; we decided to sneak out the back and drive home. Once we arrived home, I had my chefs prepare us a meal outside in the garden for brunch.

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