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Hi and thank you for choosing to read this book! I really hope you enjoy reading and please leave feedback and improvements so I can improve my writing and so on :D

I will be using google translate for other languages so sorry if it's inaccurate.

Ella Stevens (Rose) - 15 years old

Anthony Stevens (Rose) - 30 years old


Stefano Rose - 73 years old

Rosalia Rose - 72 years old (dead)


Nicholas Rose - 50 years old

Emily Rose - 49 years old

Leonardo Rose - 29 years old

Sebastian Rose - 27 years old

Zachary Rose - 18 years old


Alexander Rose - 45 years old

Alexa Charles - 35 years old

Nathanial Rose - 27 years old

Charlie Rose - 26 years old

Harry Rose - 23 years old

Levi Rose - 22 years old

Mason Rose - 20 years old

Atlas Rose -17 years old

Lorenzo Rose - 17 years old

Hope you all enjoy xx

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